Thematic Bible: Husbands and wives

Thematic Bible

The man said: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called 'Woman.' This is because she was taken out of Man. This is the reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife. They will become one flesh.

Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of the life he has given you under the sun, all the days of your vanity. That is your share in this life and in your labor under the sun.

When the king's order is made public through all his great kingdom all the wives will give honor to their husbands, great as well as small.

Women in like manner must be serious, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.

Elisha went to Shunem, where a rich woman lived. She invited him to a meal. From that time on every time he went to Shunem he would have his meals at her house. She said to her husband: I know that this man who comes here often is a holy man. Let us build a small room on the roof, and put a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp in it. He can stay there when he visits us.

While he was seated in judgment his wife sent a message to him. She said, Do not judge that righteous man. I have had much trouble this day in a dream because of him.

Manoah told his wife: We will die, for we have seen God (a God-like being)! His wife answered: If Jehovah wanted to kill us he would not accept our offerings. He would not have shown us all this or told us these things.

The queen came into the banquet hall. She said: O king, may you live for a very long time: do not let your thoughts trouble you or change your countenance. There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods. In your fathers day, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him. King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, made him master of the magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, has an excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding for interpreting dreams, showing of dark sentences, and dissolving doubts. Let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.