Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Agriculture » General references to » Called husbandmen
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country.
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at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard.
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he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid.
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the labourer must work before he can obtain his reward.
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As for you, my brethren, bear your sufferings with constancy, till the advent of the Lord. the farmer, from the prospect of a golden crop, patiently expects the showers of the spring and the autumn.
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Church » Corruption in
Then one of the twelve, Judas Iscariot by name, went to the chief priests, and said, what will ye give me, and I will deliver him to you? and they promised him thirty pieces of silver. from which time he watched a favourable opportunity to deliver him.
Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, in order to betray him to them. they were glad to hear him, and promis'd to give him money. upon which he contriv'd the most favourable occasion to betray him.
now satan had inspired Judas surnam'd Iscariot, one of the twelve, what to do. accordingly he went and conferr'd with the chief priests and officers of the temple, about the method of seizing him. they were pleas'd with his proposal, and agreed to give him a certain sum. read more.
Judas accepted the bargain, and sought an opportunity to secure him, without alarming the people.
Judas accepted the bargain, and sought an opportunity to secure him, without alarming the people.
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them.
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said, the Scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses's chair. therefore whatever moral precepts they bid you observe, those observe and practise; but don't follow their example: for they preach one thing, and practise another. for they load men with intolerable impositions, and will not take the least pains to ease them of the burthen: they do nothing but out of ostentation, read more.
their phylacterys are broader, and the fringes of their garments are larger than those of others: they affect the uppermost place at feasts, the principal chair in the synagogues, to be saluted in publick places, and to have men address to them with the title of Doctor Doctor.
their phylacterys are broader, and the fringes of their garments are larger than those of others: they affect the uppermost place at feasts, the principal chair in the synagogues, to be saluted in publick places, and to have men address to them with the title of Doctor Doctor.
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Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who prey upon the estates of widows, under the pretext of making long prayers; therefore ye shall be punish'd with the greater severity. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye not only refuse to go in your selves, but hinder those that would. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who ransack sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is gain'd, ye make him deserve Gehenna much more than your selves. read more.
wo unto you, ye blind guides, who say, if any man swear by the temple he is under no obligation: but if he swear by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath. ye blind fools, which is most sacred, the treasure of the temple, or the temple that makes the treasure sacred? again, if any one swear by the altar he is under no engagement but if he swear by the gift that is upon it, he is bound thereby. ye blind fools, which is most sacred, the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? whoever swears by the altar, swears not only by the altar, but by every thing upon it. and whoever swears by the temple, swears by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. and he that swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who pay tithe of mint, anise, and cummin, but neglect those more important matters of the law, justice, mercy, and fidelity: these were the things ye ought to have practis'd, without neglecting however the other matters. ye blind guides, who strain your liquor for a gnat, and swallow a beetle. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for ye clean the outside of the cup, and of the plate, but within they are full of rapine and impurity. thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and plate, that the outside may be likewise clean. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for ye are like whited sepulchres, which to outward appearance are fine. but within are full of dead mens bones, and all sort of filth. just so ye put on an air of probity in the sight of men, but within are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the just, and say, if we had liv'd in the time of our forefathers, we would not have been accessory with them in shedding the blood of the prophets. whereby you yourselves own that ye are indeed the children of those who killed the prophets, children that can't fail to fill up the measure of your fathers iniquities. ye serpents, ye brood of vipers, how can ye escape the punishment of Gehenna?
wo unto you, ye blind guides, who say, if any man swear by the temple he is under no obligation: but if he swear by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath. ye blind fools, which is most sacred, the treasure of the temple, or the temple that makes the treasure sacred? again, if any one swear by the altar he is under no engagement but if he swear by the gift that is upon it, he is bound thereby. ye blind fools, which is most sacred, the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? whoever swears by the altar, swears not only by the altar, but by every thing upon it. and whoever swears by the temple, swears by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. and he that swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who pay tithe of mint, anise, and cummin, but neglect those more important matters of the law, justice, mercy, and fidelity: these were the things ye ought to have practis'd, without neglecting however the other matters. ye blind guides, who strain your liquor for a gnat, and swallow a beetle. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for ye clean the outside of the cup, and of the plate, but within they are full of rapine and impurity. thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and plate, that the outside may be likewise clean. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for ye are like whited sepulchres, which to outward appearance are fine. but within are full of dead mens bones, and all sort of filth. just so ye put on an air of probity in the sight of men, but within are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the just, and say, if we had liv'd in the time of our forefathers, we would not have been accessory with them in shedding the blood of the prophets. whereby you yourselves own that ye are indeed the children of those who killed the prophets, children that can't fail to fill up the measure of your fathers iniquities. ye serpents, ye brood of vipers, how can ye escape the punishment of Gehenna?
Now the chief priests, the senators and the whole council, endeavour'd to get false evidence against Jesus, that he might be condemn'd to die. but they found none: and though many false witnesses came, it was not found sufficient. at last there came two false witnesses, who charg'd him with saying, "I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days." read more.
and the high priest arose, and said to him, have you nothing in answer to that charge they bring against you? but Jesus made no reply. and the high priest said to him, I conjure thee by the living God, to tell us, are you the Christ the son of God? Jesus reply'd, I am: moreover I declare to you, within a while ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven. then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, he has spoke blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? you yourselves have now heard his blasphemy. what is your opinion? they reply'd, he deserves to die. then they spit in his face, some beat him on the head, others slapt him on the cheeks, crying now Christ divine, who 't is that struck you?
and the high priest arose, and said to him, have you nothing in answer to that charge they bring against you? but Jesus made no reply. and the high priest said to him, I conjure thee by the living God, to tell us, are you the Christ the son of God? Jesus reply'd, I am: moreover I declare to you, within a while ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven. then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, he has spoke blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? you yourselves have now heard his blasphemy. what is your opinion? they reply'd, he deserves to die. then they spit in his face, some beat him on the head, others slapt him on the cheeks, crying now Christ divine, who 't is that struck you?
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
natural Fruit » General references to
at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard.
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when seeing a fig-tree by the way, he came to it, and finding nothing thereon, but bare leaves, said to it, may you never more bear fruit. and presently the fig-tree withered away.
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Husbandman » An agriculturist
For we are fellow labourers employed by God: you are his field, and his mansion.
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Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd. When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them. and they endeavoured to seize him, but were afraid of the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd. When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them. and they endeavoured to seize him, but were afraid of the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
I am the genuine vine, and my father is the vintager.
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Jesus Christ » Parables of » The evil sharecroppers
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd.
Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time. at vintage, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, to demand the profits of the vineyard. but they beat him and sent him away empty. again he sent another servant, him they likewise beat, insulted, and sent away empty. read more.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid. then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle." whoever falls upon that stone shall be bruised, but on whom it falls, it will crush him to pieces.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid. then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle." whoever falls upon that stone shall be bruised, but on whom it falls, it will crush him to pieces.
Jesus Christ » History of » Enunciates » The parable of the wicked husbandmen (in jerusalem)
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd. When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them. and they endeavoured to seize him, but were afraid of the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd. When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them. and they endeavoured to seize him, but were afraid of the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time. at vintage, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, to demand the profits of the vineyard. but they beat him and sent him away empty. again he sent another servant, him they likewise beat, insulted, and sent away empty. read more.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid. then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle." whoever falls upon that stone shall be bruised, but on whom it falls, it will crush him to pieces. The chief priests, and the Scribes perceiving that he had applied this parable to them, were eager to seize upon him at that very time; but they were afraid of the people.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid. then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle." whoever falls upon that stone shall be bruised, but on whom it falls, it will crush him to pieces. The chief priests, and the Scribes perceiving that he had applied this parable to them, were eager to seize upon him at that very time; but they were afraid of the people.
Labour » Troubles
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
who upon the receipt of it fell a murmuring against the master, and cry'd, these last have work'd but an hour, and you put them upon the level with us, who have born the whole fatigue and heat of the day.
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another.
Land » Leased
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time. at vintage, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, to demand the profits of the vineyard. but they beat him and sent him away empty. again he sent another servant, him they likewise beat, insulted, and sent away empty. read more.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid.
Lease » Of real estate
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time. at vintage, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, to demand the profits of the vineyard. but they beat him and sent him away empty. again he sent another servant, him they likewise beat, insulted, and sent away empty. read more.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid.
Malfeasance in office » Instances of » The leasees of the vineyard, in one of the parables of jesus
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time. at vintage, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, to demand the profits of the vineyard. but they beat him and sent him away empty. again he sent another servant, him they likewise beat, insulted, and sent away empty. read more.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them?
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them?
Real estate » Land leased
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
Reproof » Faithfulness in » In the parables of jesus » Of the vineyard
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others. have you not read, said he, this passage of scripture, "the stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle. it is the Lord, that has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." then they contriv'd how they might seize him, for they perceived, that he applied the parable to them; but for fear of the people they left him, and went away.
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd. When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them. and they endeavoured to seize him, but were afraid of the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof. Jesus reply'd, did ye never read in the scriptures, " that very stone which the builders rejected, is become the principal stone of the angle, this the Lord effected, and it is marvellous in our eyes." wherefore I declare to you, the gospel dispensation shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that shall make a proper use thereof. and whosoever shall stumble at this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, he shall be entirely crush'd. When the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he meant them. and they endeavoured to seize him, but were afraid of the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
Then he propos'd this parable to the people, a man planted a vineyard, let it out to husbandmen, and then went a travelling for some time. at vintage, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, to demand the profits of the vineyard. but they beat him and sent him away empty. again he sent another servant, him they likewise beat, insulted, and sent away empty. read more.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid. then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle." whoever falls upon that stone shall be bruised, but on whom it falls, it will crush him to pieces. The chief priests, and the Scribes perceiving that he had applied this parable to them, were eager to seize upon him at that very time; but they were afraid of the people. they watch'd then, and suborn'd spies, who under pretence of their tender consciences, might ensnare him in his discourse, and so betray him to the civil power and jurisdiction of the governor.
he still sent a third, whom they wounded and drove away. upon which the master of the vineyard said, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: perhaps his presence will engage their respect. but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own. so they kill'd him, and threw him out of the vineyard. what punishment now will the master inflict upon them? he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid. then Jesus looking upon them, said, what is the meaning then of that expression, "the stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief stone of the angle." whoever falls upon that stone shall be bruised, but on whom it falls, it will crush him to pieces. The chief priests, and the Scribes perceiving that he had applied this parable to them, were eager to seize upon him at that very time; but they were afraid of the people. they watch'd then, and suborn'd spies, who under pretence of their tender consciences, might ensnare him in his discourse, and so betray him to the civil power and jurisdiction of the governor.
Servant » Wicked and unfaithful » In the parable of the vineyard
Hear another parable: a certain landlord planted a vineyard, hedged it round, set up a wine-press in it, and built a tower, then lett it out to tenants, and went into a foreign country. and when the fruit-season came on, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive the fruits of it. but they seiz'd his servants, beat some, killed one, and stoned another. read more.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
then he sent a greater number of servants, than at first: who met with the same treatment. but last of all, he sent his son, saying, they will reverence my son. but when the tenants saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and then seize on his inheritance. so seizing upon him, they turn'd him out of the vineyard, and slew him. when the master therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? they answered, he will give those wretches no quarter, and will let out his vineyard to such as shall duly account for the profits thereof.
Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad. at the time of vintage he sent his servant to the vine-dressers to receive the profits of his vineyard. but they seized on him, and beat him, and sent him home empty. read more.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.
after this he sent another servant to them, him they assaulted with stones and cudgels, and sent him back with contempt. then he sent another, whom they killed: and of several more, some they beat, some they killed. at last, having one only son, whom he loved, he sent him to them; surely, said he, they will reverence my son. but these husbandmen said to one another, this is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own. so they seized upon him, and dragg'd him out of the vineyard, and killed him. now what will the master of the vineyard do? on his return, said they, he will destroy those vine-dressers, and give his vineyard to others.