Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Boasting » Spiritual
if then, some of the branches are broken off, and thou like a wild olive, were grafted in their place to partake of the root and sap of the olivestock; don't triumph over the branches: or if you do, remember the root is not dependent upon you, but you upon the root. you will say then, "the branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in." read more.
well, be it so, for their incredulity they were broken off, and you by faith stand firm: be not then elated, but let this be your fear, lest God should not spare you, since he did not spare even the natural branches.
well, be it so, for their incredulity they were broken off, and you by faith stand firm: be not then elated, but let this be your fear, lest God should not spare you, since he did not spare even the natural branches.
for Christ did not send me to baptize: but to preach the gospel: tho' not with the preaching of the wise, lest the cross of Christ should have been hinder'd in its efficacy. For tho' the doctrine of the cross seems folly to those that perish: yet we that are to be saved, do feel its energy is divine. for it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent." read more.
where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputant of this age? has not God prov'd the wisdom of this world to be downright folly. for whereas the world, with all their learning, did not distinguish the characters of his divine wisdom, in his works, it pleased God to save those who believe, by preaching, which they counted folly. while the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seek wisdom: we preach Christ crucified, an obstacle to the Jews indeed, and to the Gentiles foolishness: but to those who believe, both Jews and Gentiles, he is the Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. for this divine doctrine, as foolish and weak as men may think it, far surpasses all their wisdom, and baffles all their power. for consider, brethren, that not many worldly wise, not many men of power, not many men of birth are among you that are called. but God hath chosen those who are foolish in the opinion of the world, to confound the wise; and the weak men of the world to confound the mighty: those who were looked upon by the world as vile, as despicable, as nothing, these has God chosen to reduce their sufficiency to nothing. that no man might glory before God; for from him it is that ye believe in Christ Jesus, whom God has made to us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, "he that glorieth, should glory in the Lord."
where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputant of this age? has not God prov'd the wisdom of this world to be downright folly. for whereas the world, with all their learning, did not distinguish the characters of his divine wisdom, in his works, it pleased God to save those who believe, by preaching, which they counted folly. while the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seek wisdom: we preach Christ crucified, an obstacle to the Jews indeed, and to the Gentiles foolishness: but to those who believe, both Jews and Gentiles, he is the Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. for this divine doctrine, as foolish and weak as men may think it, far surpasses all their wisdom, and baffles all their power. for consider, brethren, that not many worldly wise, not many men of power, not many men of birth are among you that are called. but God hath chosen those who are foolish in the opinion of the world, to confound the wise; and the weak men of the world to confound the mighty: those who were looked upon by the world as vile, as despicable, as nothing, these has God chosen to reduce their sufficiency to nothing. that no man might glory before God; for from him it is that ye believe in Christ Jesus, whom God has made to us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, "he that glorieth, should glory in the Lord."
These things, my brethren, I have represented to you in my own person, and that of Apollos, out of respect to you: to show you how to moderate your esteem by the rule prescrib'd, that you may not be transported in favour of one rather than another. for who has distinguish'd thee above another? or what have you, that you did not receive? now if you did receive it, why do you glory as if you had not received it?
for I dare not rank or compare my self with some who vaunt themselves: but they making their self-conceit the only standard whereby to judge of themselves, show their want of judgment. I will not boast of any thing done without my province, but confine myself within that line by which God has mark'd out my bounds, and in which you are included. for I do not stretch beyond my limits to take you in; since in preaching the gospel of Christ, we are advanced even to you. read more.
I don't assume to myself the credit of other men's labours in another province, but hope, that when your faith is increased, the bounds now prescribed will be enlarged by you yet farther; so that I may preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not assume the credit of things ready prepared to my hand, in another man's province. but he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. for not he that commendeth himself, but he whom the Lord commendeth, is the approved.
I don't assume to myself the credit of other men's labours in another province, but hope, that when your faith is increased, the bounds now prescribed will be enlarged by you yet farther; so that I may preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not assume the credit of things ready prepared to my hand, in another man's province. but he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. for not he that commendeth himself, but he whom the Lord commendeth, is the approved.
for by grace are ye saved, thro' faith (and that not from us: it is the gift of God) but not by works, so that no man can boast:
Folly » What is folly
Ransom » Of a man's life
Redemption » Described as » Precious
Riches » Cannot redeem the soul
considering, that it was not by such perishable things as silver or gold, that you were releas'd from those vain rites and customs impos'd upon you by your fathers,
Verse Concepts
Trust » Those that trust in wealth
then said Jesus to his disciples, I declare unto you, it will be difficult for a rich man to enter into the gospel kingdom. I tell you again, it is easier for a cable to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom. when his disciples heard this, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, who then can be saved? read more.
but Jesus looking at them, said, however impracticable this is to men, all things are possible to God.
but Jesus looking at them, said, however impracticable this is to men, all things are possible to God.
then Jesus looking round about, said to his disciples, how difficult a thing is it for those who have riches to enter into the gospel kingdom! at this expression the disciples were much surpriz'd. but Jesus reassum'd the discourse, and said, how difficult a thing is it for those, who place their trust in riches, to enter into the divine kingdom? it is easier for a cable to pass thro' the eye of a needle, than for such a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom. read more.
at this they were more amazed than before, and said to one another, how then can such a man be saved? but Jesus casting his eye upon them, said, what is impossible to men, is not so to God; for to God all things are possible.
at this they were more amazed than before, and said to one another, how then can such a man be saved? but Jesus casting his eye upon them, said, what is impossible to men, is not so to God; for to God all things are possible.
Jesus perceiving him so very dejected, said, how difficult is it for those, who have riches, to enter into the kingdom of God! it is easier for a cable to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. upon which the audience said, who then can be saved? read more.
Jesus answer'd, by divine assistance men may do that which would be otherwise impossible.
Jesus answer'd, by divine assistance men may do that which would be otherwise impossible.
Wealth » Those that trust in wealth
then said Jesus to his disciples, I declare unto you, it will be difficult for a rich man to enter into the gospel kingdom. I tell you again, it is easier for a cable to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom. when his disciples heard this, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, who then can be saved? read more.
but Jesus looking at them, said, however impracticable this is to men, all things are possible to God.
but Jesus looking at them, said, however impracticable this is to men, all things are possible to God.
then Jesus looking round about, said to his disciples, how difficult a thing is it for those who have riches to enter into the gospel kingdom! at this expression the disciples were much surpriz'd. but Jesus reassum'd the discourse, and said, how difficult a thing is it for those, who place their trust in riches, to enter into the divine kingdom? it is easier for a cable to pass thro' the eye of a needle, than for such a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom. read more.
at this they were more amazed than before, and said to one another, how then can such a man be saved? but Jesus casting his eye upon them, said, what is impossible to men, is not so to God; for to God all things are possible.
at this they were more amazed than before, and said to one another, how then can such a man be saved? but Jesus casting his eye upon them, said, what is impossible to men, is not so to God; for to God all things are possible.
Jesus perceiving him so very dejected, said, how difficult is it for those, who have riches, to enter into the kingdom of God! it is easier for a cable to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. upon which the audience said, who then can be saved? read more.
Jesus answer'd, by divine assistance men may do that which would be otherwise impossible.
Jesus answer'd, by divine assistance men may do that which would be otherwise impossible.
Wealth » What cannot be purchased with money
but Peter said unto him, thy money perish with thee, for thinking that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
Verse Concepts