Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

on which the whole structure rises with symmetry into a temple, consecrated by the Lord: Verse ConceptsSanctuaryChurch, Unity OfGrowth Of The ChurchJoined To The ChurchGrowingconstructionstructure

by the destructive sword shall they fall, and be led into captivity among all nations: and Jerusalem shall be kept waste by the nations, as long as those nations shall subsist. Verse ConceptsFulnessLossKilled With The SwordForeigners In The Holy PlacesForeigners SubduedAll NationsTrampling PlacesGentiles

Then there was given me a reed like a rod: with this direction, rise and measure the temple of God, with the altar, and those that worship therein. but don't measure the court which is without; for it is given to the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they trample under foot two and forty months.

by the destructive sword shall they fall, and be led into captivity among all nations: and Jerusalem shall be kept waste by the nations, as long as those nations shall subsist. Verse ConceptsFulnessLossKilled With The SwordForeigners In The Holy PlacesForeigners SubduedAll NationsTrampling PlacesGentiles

Then there was given me a reed like a rod: with this direction, rise and measure the temple of God, with the altar, and those that worship therein. but don't measure the court which is without; for it is given to the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they trample under foot two and forty months.

One day as Peter and John were going together to the temple, at the ninth hour, which was the hour of prayer, Verse ConceptsFamily SolidarityCeremoniesHourWorship, Times ForPrayer Meetings3 PmDisciples In The TempleWhen To PrayThe First TemplePrayingpartnership

then the devil took Jesus with him to Jerusalem, and having set him on the wing of the temple, he said to him, Verse ConceptsNames For JerusalemHoliness, As Set Apart For GodSuffering, Of Jesus ChristStatus Of The TempleTop Of ThingsThe DevilResisting Temptationstructure

One day as Peter and John were going together to the temple, at the ninth hour, which was the hour of prayer, Verse ConceptsFamily SolidarityCeremoniesHourWorship, Times ForPrayer Meetings3 PmDisciples In The TempleWhen To PrayThe First TemplePrayingpartnership

then the devil took Jesus with him to Jerusalem, and having set him on the wing of the temple, he said to him, Verse ConceptsNames For JerusalemHoliness, As Set Apart For GodSuffering, Of Jesus ChristStatus Of The TempleTop Of ThingsThe DevilResisting Temptationstructure