Thematic Bible: Read by Christ
Thematic Bible
Heart » The whole » Read by Christ
But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And no city or house divided against itself shall stand.
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But, knowing their purpose, he said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself, is brought to desolation; and a house that is divided against a house, falls.
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But Jesus, knowing their wickedness, said to them: "Why do you tempt me, hypocrites?
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And Jesus, immediately perceiving in his spirit that they thus reasoned within themselves, said to them: Why are you reasoning thus in your hearts?
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But he knew their thoughts; and he said to the man that had the withered hand: Rise, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose, and stood.
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And he said to them: You set yourselves forth as righteous before men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men, is detestable in the sight of God.
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and had no need that any one should testify of man, for he himself knew what was in man.
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And God, who knows the heart, became a witness for them, by giving them the Holy Spirit, as he gave it also to us;
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