26 Bible Verses about attention

Most Relevant Verses

Hebrews 2:1

This is why we must give the very closest attention to the message we have heard, to keep from ever losing our hold upon it.

Mark 4:24

"Take care what you hear," he said to them. "The measure you give will be given to you, and even more besides.

Titus 1:14

and not study Jewish fictions or commands given by men who reject the truth.

Mark 12:14

And they came up and said to him, "Master, we know that you tell the truth regardless of the consequences, for you are not guided by personal considerations, but teach the way of God with sincerity. Is it right to pay the poll tax to the emperor or not?

Ephesians 5:15

Be very careful, then, about the way you live. Do not act thoughtlessly, but like sensible men,

1 Timothy 1:4

nor to devote themselves to fictions and interminable pedigrees; such things lead to controversy instead of the divine system which operates through faith.

3 John 1:10

So if I come, I will bring up the things that he is doing, and how he is maliciously accusing me. Not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers himself, and he is interfering with those who want to do so, and has them put out of the church.

James 2:3

and you pay attention to the man in the fine clothes and say to him, "Sit here; this is a good place!" and say to the poor man, "Stand up, or sit on the floor at my feet,"

Matthew 24:1

And Jesus left the Temple and was going away, when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to the Temple buildings.

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Luke 18:6

And the Master said, "Listen to what this dishonest judge said!

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