18 Bible Verses about Christ In The Temple
Most Relevant Verses
And after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions.
And Jesus went into the temple, and cast out all that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the mony-changers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority dost thou these things? And who gave thee this authority?
And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple, and having looked round about upon all things, it being now evening, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.
And they come to Jerusalem. And Jesus going into the temple, drove out them that bought and sold in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the mony-changers,
And going into the temple, he drove out them that sold and them that bought therein.
And early in the morning he returned to the temple, and all the people came to him, and sitting down he taught them.
And they come again to Jerusalem. And as he was walking in the temple, the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders come to him and say to him, By what authority dost thou these things?
And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.
And Jesus answering, as he taught in the temple, said, How say the scribes, that Christ is the Son of David?
Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Do ye both know me, and know whence I am? And yet I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not.
These words spake he in the treasury, as he taught in the temple. And no man seized him; for his hour was not yet come.
Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I was continually teaching in the synagogue and in the temple, whither all the Jews resort, and in secret have I said nothing.
When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched not forth your hands against me: but this is your hour and the power of darkness.
Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said to him, Lo, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come to thee.