34 Bible Verses about Encouraging Others

Most Relevant Verses

Philemon 1:7

I have had great joy and encouragement over your love, my brother, over the way you have refreshed the hearts of the saints.

Romans 1:11

For I do yearn to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift for your strengthening ??12 or, in other words, that I may be encouraged by meeting you, I by your faith and you by mine.

Philippians 1:14

and my imprisonment has given the majority of the brotherhood greater confidence in the Lord to venture on speaking the word of God without being afraid.

1 Corinthians 14:31

You can all prophesy quite well, one after another, so as to let all learn and all be encouraged.

1 Thessalonians 4:1

Finally, brothers, we beg and beseech you in the Lord Jesus to follow our instructions about the way you are to live so as to satisfy God; you are leading that life, but you are to excel in it still further.

Acts 15:32

and as Judas and Silas were themselves prophets, they encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many a counsel.

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Acts 4:36

Thus Joseph, who was surnamed Barnabas or (as it may be translated) 'Son of Encouragement' by the apostles, a Levite of Cypriote birth,

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