10 Bible Verses about Idleness Leads To

Most Relevant Verses

Proverbs 24:34

And thy poverty came going about, and thy want as a man of shield.

Proverbs 21:25

The desire of the slothful shall kill him, for his hands refused to work,

Proverbs 24:30-31

I passed upon the field of the slothful man, and upon the vineyard of the man wanting heart; And behold, it came up all of it with thorns; brambles covered its face, and the wall of its stones was overthrown.

1 Timothy 5:13

And at the same time also they learn to be idle, going round about the houses; and not only idle, but also indulging in idle talk, and occupied with unnecessary things, speaking things not becoming.

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1 Timothy 5:13

And at the same time also they learn to be idle, going round about the houses; and not only idle, but also indulging in idle talk, and occupied with unnecessary things, speaking things not becoming.

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