9 Bible Verses about Philosophy
Most Relevant Verses
But, certain both of the Epicurean and of the Stoic philosophers, were encountering him; and some were saying - What might this picker-up-of-scraps wish to be saying? And, others - Of foreign demons, he seemeth to be a declarer: because, of Jesus and the Resurrection, he was announcing the joyful tidings.
Be taking heed, lest there shall be anyone leading, you, off as a spoil, through means of their philosophy, and an empty deceit, - according to the instruction of men, according to the first principles of the world, - and not according to Christ:

Vanity of vanities! saith the Proclaimer, vanity of vanities! all, is vanity.
Therefore, behold me! again dealing wonderfully with this people, doing wonderfully a wonderful thing, - So shall perish, the wisdom of their wise men, And the intelligence of their intelligent men, shall vanish!
For it is written - I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and, the discernment of the discerning, will I set aside. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
Wisdom, however, we do speak, among the full-grown, - wisdom, indeed, not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are to come to nought;
For, the wisdom of this world, is, foolishness with God; for it is written - He that taketh the wise in their knavery, - And again - The Lord taketh note of the speculations of the wise, that they are vain.
O Timothy! that which hath been entrusted, do thou guard, avoiding the profane pratings and oppositions of falsely named knowledge, -
From Thematic Bible
Philosophy » Philosophical inductions and deductions relating to God and his providence
Yet indeed, I, would seek unto El, and, unto Elohim, would I set forth any cause: - Who doeth great things, beyond all search, - Wondrous things, till they cannot be recounted; Who giveth rain, upon the face of the earth, and sendeth forth waters, over the face of the open fields; read more.
Setting the lowly on high, and, mourners, are uplifted to safety; Who doth frustrate the schemes of the crafty, that their hands cannot achieve abiding success; Who captureth the wise in their own craftiness, yea the headlong counsel of the crooked: By day, they encounter darkness, and, as though it were night, they grope at high noon. But he saveth from the sword, out of their mouth, and, out of the hand of the strong, the needy. Thus to the poor hath come hope, and, perversity, hath shut her mouth. Lo! how happy is the man whom God correcteth! Therefore, the chastening of the Almighty, do not thou refuse; For, he, woundeth that he may bind up, He smiteth through, that, his own hands, may heal. In six troubles, he will rescue thee, and, in seven, there shall smite thee no misfortune: In famine, he will ransom thee from death, and in battle from the power of the sword;
I say unto GOD, Do not hold me guilty, Let me know, on what account thou contendest with me! Is it seemly in thee, that thou shouldst oppress? that thou shouldst despise the labour of thine own hand, when, upon the counsel of the lawless, thou hast shone? Eyes of flesh, hast thou? or, as a mortal seeth, seest thou? read more.
As the days of a mortal, are thy days? or, thy years, as the days of a man? That thou shouldst seek for mine iniquity, and, for my sin, shouldst make search: Though it is, within thine own knowledge, that I would not be lawless, and, none, out of thy hand, can deliver? Thine own hands, shaped me, and made me, all in unison round about, and yet thou hast confounded me. Remember, I pray thee, that, as clay, thou didst make me, and, unto dust, thou wilt cause me to return. Didst thou not, like milk, pour me forth? and, as cheese, curdle me? With skin and flesh, clothe me? and, with bones and sinews, interweave me? Life and lovingkindness, thou didst bestow upon me, - and, thy watchful care, preserved my breath. Yet, these things, thou didst hide in thy heart, I know that, this, hath been with thee! If I have sinned, then couldst thou watch me, and, from mine iniquity, thou wouldst not acquit me: If I have been lawless, alas for me! Or, if I am righteous, I will not lift up my head, Surfeited with shame, look thou then on my humiliation. When it is lifted up, like a howling lion, thou dost hunt me, Then again thou dost shew thyself marvellous against me. Thou renewest thy witnesses before me, and dost increase thy vexation with me, Relays - yea an army, is with me. Wherefore then, from the womb, didst thou bring me forth? I might have breathed my last, and, no eye, have seen me. As though I had not been, should I have become, - from the womb to the grave, might I have been borne. Are not my days, few? - then forbear, and set me aside, that I may brighten up for a little; Before I go, and not return, unto a land of darkness and death-shade:
At peace are the tents that belong to the spoilers, and there is security to them who provoke GOD, To him who bringeth a god in his hand. But, in very deed, ask, I pray thee, the beasts, and they will teach thee, and the bird of the heavens, and it will tell thee; Or address the earth, and it will teach thee, and the fishes of the sea, will recount it to thee: read more.
Who knoweth not, among all these, that, the hand of Yahweh, hath done this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the spirit of all the flesh of men. Doth not, the ear, try, words? even as, the palate, tasteth for itself, food? In the Ancient, is wisdom, and in Length of Days, understanding: With Him, are wisdom and strength, to Him, pertain counsel and understanding. Lo! He pulleth down, and it cannot be built, He closeth up over a man, and it cannot be opened: Lo! He holdeth back the waters, and they dry up, or sendeth them out, and they transform the earth: With Him, is strength and effective wisdom, to Him, belong he that erreth, and he that causeth to err. Who leadeth away counsellors as a spoil, and, judges, He befooleth: The fetters of kings, He looseth, or hath bound a slave's waistcloth about their loins: Who leadeth away priests as a spoil, and, men firmly seated, He overturneth: Setting aside the speech of the trusty, and, the discernment of elders, He taketh away: Pouring contempt upon nobles, and, the girdle of the mighty, hath He loosed: Laying open deep things, out of darkness, and bringing out to light, the death-shade: Who giveth greatness to nations, or destroyeth them, Who spreadeth out nations, or leadeth them into exile: Who taketh away the sense of the chiefs of the people of the earth, and hath caused them to wander in a pathless waste:
Lo! in this, thou hast not been right - let me answer thee, For, GOD, is greater than, man. Wherefore, against him, hast thou contended? For, with none of his reasons, will he respond. For, in one way, GOD may speak, - and, in a second way, one may not heed it: - read more.
In a dream, a vision of the night, when a deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed, Then, uncovereth he the ear of men, and, on their correction, affixeth a seal; To turn a son of earth from his deed, while yet, pride, from man he concealeth: He keepeth back his said from the pit, and his life from passing away by a weapon. Or he is chastised with pain, upon his bed, and, the strife of his bones, is unceasing! So that his life maketh loathsome his food, and his soul, dainty meat; His flesh wasteth away out of sight, and bared are the bones once unseen; So doth his soul draw near to the pit, and his life to the inflicters of death: If there hath been near him a messenger who could interpret - one of a thousand, to declare to the son of earth His uprightness, Then hath he shewed him favour, and said, Set him free from going down to the pit, I have found a price of redemption! His flesh hath been made fresher than a child's, he hath returned to the days of his youth; He made supplication unto GOD, who hath accepted him, and he hath beheld his face with a shout of triumph, Thus hath he given back to man his righteousness. He sang before men, and said, I sinned, and, uprightness, I perverted, yet he requited me not; He hath ransomed my soul from passing away into the pit, - and, my life, in the light, shall have vision. Lo! a these things, doth GOD work, two ways, three, with a man; To bring back his soul from the pit, to enlighten with the light of the living.
Philosophy » Employment of, was not paul's method of preaching the gospel
For Christ sent me not, to be immersing, but to be telling the good news, - not with wisdom of discourse, lest, void should be made, the cross of the Christ.
For, seeing that, in the wisdom of God, the world, through its wisdom, did not get to knew God, God was well-pleased - through the foolishness of the thing proclaimed, to save them that believe.
Which we also speak - not in words taught of human wisdom, but in such as are taught of the Spirit, by spiritual words, spiritual things, explaining.
For it is written - I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and, the discernment of the discerning, will I set aside.
I, therefore, brethren, when I came unto you, came, not with excellency of discourse or wisdom, declaring unto you the mystery of God; For I had not determined to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, - and, him, as one who had been crucified! I, therefore in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling, came to be with you, read more.
And, my discourse, and what I proclaimed, were not in suasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of Spirit and power: In order that, your faith, might not be in men's wisdom, but in God's power.
Philosophy » Rabbinical
O Timothy! that which hath been entrusted, do thou guard, avoiding the profane pratings and oppositions of falsely named knowledge, -
Be taking heed, lest there shall be anyone leading, you, off as a spoil, through means of their philosophy, and an empty deceit, - according to the instruction of men, according to the first principles of the world, - and not according to Christ:
Let no one, therefore, be judging, you, - in eating and in drinking, or in respect of feast, or new moon, or sabbath, - Which are a shadow of the things to come, whereas, the body, is of the Christ. Let, no one, against you, be arbitrating, however wishful, - in respect of lowliness of mind, and of a religious observance of the messengers: upon what things he hath seen, taking his stand, in vain, puffed up by his carnal mind, - read more.
And not holding fast the head: from which, all the body, through means of its joints and uniting bands, receiving supply, and connecting itself together, groweth with the growth of God.
Philosophy » The nature of things
Philosophy » Reveals the mysteries of providence
Inasmuch as, what may be known of God, is manifest among them, for, God, unto them, hath made it manifest, - For, the unseen things of him, from a world's creation, by the things made, being perceived, are clearly seen, even his eternal power and divinity, - to the end they should be without excuse;
The glory of God, is to conceal a thing, but, the glory of kings, is to search out a thing.
Philosophy » Is not sufficient for an adequate knowledge of God
For, seeing that, in the wisdom of God, the world, through its wisdom, did not get to knew God, God was well-pleased - through the foolishness of the thing proclaimed, to save them that believe. Seeing that both, Jews for signs, do ask, and, Greeks for wisdom, do seek,
Philosophy » Is not enough for salvation through the atonement of jesus Christ
Wisdom, however, we do speak, among the full-grown, - wisdom, indeed, not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are to come to nought; But we speak, God's, wisdom, in a sacred secret, that hidden wisdom , which God marked out beforehand, before the ages, for our glory, - Which, none of the rulers of this age had come to know, for, had they known, not, in that case, the Lord of the glory, would they have crucified! read more.
But, even as it is written - The things which eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard, and upon the heart of man have not come up, - whatsoever things God hath prepared for them that love him, Unto us, in fact, hath God revealed through the Spirit; for, the Spirit, into all things, maketh search, yea! the deep things of God.
Philosophy » Greek schools of
But, certain both of the Epicurean and of the Stoic philosophers, were encountering him; and some were saying - What might this picker-up-of-scraps wish to be saying? And, others - Of foreign demons, he seemeth to be a declarer: because, of Jesus and the Resurrection, he was announcing the joyful tidings.