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Bible Theasaurus
Administer (22 instances)
Allot (12 instances)
Band (150 instances)
Batch (10 instances)
Bunch (11 instances)
Circle (90 instances)
Deal (223 instances)
Dispense (5 instances)
Distribute (34 instances)
Draw (230 instances)
Fill (165 instances)
Flock (267 instances)
Fortune (23 instances)
Heap (85 instances)
Heaps (31 instances)
Lashings (1 instance)
Loads (22 instances)
Lots (46 instances)
Mass (77 instances)
Mess (4 instances)
Mint (2 instances)
Mountain (324 instances)
Multitude (361 instances)
Peck (6 instances)
Pile (42 instances)
Piles (19 instances)
Plenty (59 instances)
Portion (273 instances)
Set (1973 instances)
Sight (597 instances)
Slew (219 instances)
Stack (8 instances)
Stacks (3 instances)
Tons (13 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
חבל חבל
sorrows , cord , line , coast , portion , region , lot , ropes , company , pangs , bands , country , destruction , pain , snare , tacklings
Usage: 62
Usage: 49
Related Topics
- Asking for forgiveness
- Being Deceived
- Blame
- Christ, Character Of
- Clothing
- Dividing Plunder
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Forgiving Others Who Hurt You
- Gambling
- God Forgive!
- God's Forgiveness
- Grace, And Jesus Christ
- Ignorance Of Evil
- Ignorance Towards God, Examples Of
- Intercessory Prayer
- Jesus Christ, Love Of
- Jesus Christ, Meekness Of
- Love And Forgiveness
- Opposition, To Sin And Evil
- Prayer, For Others
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Revenge, And Retaliation
- Revenge, Examples Of
- Spirit Of Christ
- The Cross
- The Lord's Prayer
- Unconditional Love
- Assertiveness
- Crucifixion
- Enemies, of Jesus Christ
- Enemies, of believers
- Forgiving
- Forgiving others