'Present' in the Bible
"Bring the tribe of Levi near and present them to Aaron the priest so they may serve him.
When a man becomes under the control of an attitude of jealousy regarding his wife, he is to present her to the Lord, and the priest is to apply this entire statute to her.
The priest is to come into the LORD's presence and present his sin and burnt offerings.
He is to offer the ram, a sacrifice of peace offering to the LORD, along with the basket of unleavened bread. Then the priest is to present his grain and drink offerings.
"Take these gifts from them and use them in service at the Tent of Meeting. Present them to the descendants of Levi, distributing them to each person according to his work."
the LORD told Moses, "They are to present their offerings, one leader per day, for the dedication of the altar."
"Then Aaron is to present the descendants of Levi as a wave offering before the LORD from the Israelis, because they are to work in the service of the LORD.
Then Moses told Korah, "You and your entire company are to present yourselves in the LORD's presence tomorrow you, they, and Aaron.
You are also to offer the second lamb toward the evening. Just like the morning sacrifice, you are to present the grain offering, accompanied by its corresponding drink offering, as a presentation made by fire, a pleasing aroma to the LORD."
Then present one goat for a sin offering to make atonement for you,
"On the first day of your harvest season, you are to hold a sacred assembly when you present your first fruits during the Festival of Weeks. No servile work is to be done.
"On the second day, you are to present twelve young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one year old lambs, all without defects,
"On the third day, you are to present eleven bulls, two rams, and fourteen one year old lambs, all without defects,
"On the fourth day, you are to present ten bulls, two rams, and fourteen one year old lambs, all without defects,
"On the fifth day, you are to present nine bulls, two rams, and fourteen one year old lambs, all without defects,
"On the sixth day, you are to present eight bulls, two rams, and fourteen one year old lambs, all without defects,
"On the seventh day, you are to present seven bulls, two rams, and fourteen one year old lambs, all without defects,
"Present these to the LORD at your appointed festival, in addition to your offerings in fulfillment of vows, free will offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, and peace offerings."
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