515 occurrences

'Set' in the Bible

Abram took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated, and the servants he had acquired while living in Haran. Then they set out to go to the land of Canaan. When they arrived in the land of Canaan,

Verse ConceptsAbraham

From there Abram traveled on to the hill country east of Bethel and set up his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsAi, The CityCalling upon GodNomadsShrinesTentsAbraham, The Friend Of GodAbraham, Calling And LifePrayer, Described AsAltars To The LordBuilding AltarsEast And West

As the sun began to set, Abram was overcome with deep sleep, and suddenly a frightening and terrifying darkness descended on him.

Verse ConceptsNightSleep, PhysicalSunsetsOvertaken By DarknessThose Frightened Of GodEclipseSolar Eclipse

When the sun had fully set and it was dark, a smoking fire pot and a fiery torch passed between the animal pieces.

Verse ConceptsFurnacesLampsPassing ThroughSmokeCandlesAnimal Sacrifices, BurntSunsetsGod Appearing In FireGod Is LightDarkness Of NightWeedsmoking

After this, the men set out from there and looked out over Sodom. Abraham went with them to send them off.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Testing And VictoryGoing TogetherSetting Out

Then Abraham set aside seven ewe lambs,

Verse ConceptsSeparating Animals

so Abimelech asked Abraham, "What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs that you have set aside?"

Verse ConceptsSeparating AnimalsWhat Is This?

So Abraham got up early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his male servants with him, along with his son Isaac. He cut the wood for the burnt offering and set out to go to the place about which God had spoken to him.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamDonkeysMorningAnimals, Types OfRising EarlySplitting WoodFirewoodThose Who Rose EarlyPreparing To TravelSaddling DonkeysTwo Other Men

After this, Abraham returned to his servants and they set out together for Beer-sheba, where Abraham settled.

But when they had prepared a meal and set it in front of him, he said, "I'm not eating until I've spoken." "Speak up!" Laban exclaimed.

Verse ConceptsDinnerGiving InformationThose Who Provided A Meal

After Jacob had obeyed his father and mother's instructions to set out for Paddan-aram,

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good Kids

When Jacob got up early the next morning, he took the stone that he had used for his pillow, set it up as a pillar, drenched it with oil,

Verse ConceptsAnointing, ObjectsAnointing With OilMorning DevotionsMorningOilRising EarlyMonumentsObelisksStones As MonumentsThose Who Rose EarlyAnointing ThingsAnointing Oil

Jacob kept the lambs separate, facing the striped and entirely black ones that belonged to Laban's flock. He set his own herd by itself and would not let them be with Laban's flock.

Verse ConceptsShepherds, As OccupationsSeparating AnimalsBlack AnimalsNot Mixing

Now that you've searched all my belongings, what did you find that belongs to your house? Set it here in front of our relatives and we'll let them judge between us!

Verse ConceptsNot FindingIn Men's Presence

"Look!" Laban added, "Here is the stack of stones and here is the pillar that I've set up between you and me.

Verse ConceptsObelisksCairns

Then Esau suggested, "Let's set out and travel together, but let me go in front of you."

Verse ConceptsIn Front

So allow yourself to go ahead of your servant while I travel more slowly, letting the herds set their own pace with the children until I arrive to see my lord in Seir."

Verse ConceptsSlownessPeople Going Before

"Why do that?" Jacob asked. "I've already found favor in your sight, sir." So Esau set out that very day back on his way to Seir,

Verse ConceptsIndividuals going homefriendliness

but Jacob set out for Succoth, built a house there, and constructed some cattle shelters. He named the place Succoth.

Verse ConceptsBuild, LiterallyBooths

As they set out on their journey, because the people who lived in the cities around them feared God, they did not pursue Jacob's sons.

Verse ConceptsDivine Protection, Examples OfTerror Of Godterrorism

Later, they set out from Beth-el. While still a long way from Ephrathah, Rachel started to have trouble giving birth.

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DistancesHard Tasks

Then he provided him with a chariot as his second-in-command, outfitted with a group of people who shouted out in front of him, "Bow your knees!" And that's how Pharaoh set Joseph over the entire land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsChariotsSalutationsBowing Before JosephAuthority Delegated To People

So the men took their gift and twice as much money, got up, took Benjamin with them, and set out for Egypt. Eventually they appeared before Joseph.

Verse ConceptsDouble MoneyIndeterminate Sums Of Money

Your father's blessings will prove to be stronger than blessings from the eternal mountains or bounties from the everlasting hills. May they come to rest on Joseph's head, May they be set upon the brow of the one who was separated from his own brothers."

Verse ConceptsHeadsHillsPrincesEternal WorldBlessed By God

In his last words, Jacob issued this set of instructions to them all: "I'm about to join our ancestors. Bury me alongside my ancestors in the cave in the field that used to belong to Ephron the Hittite.

Verse ConceptsAffection, Kinds OfLove, And The WorldNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenThe Cave Of MachpelahMen's OrdersGathered To One's Peoplegrandfathers

After concluding this set of instructions to his sons, Jacob tucked his feet up into bed, quit breathing, and was gathered to his ancestors.

Verse ConceptsBedsDeath Of The Saints, Examples OfLast WordsGathered To One's People

Then the LORD told Moses, "When you set out to return to Egypt, keep in mind all the wonders that I've put in your power, so that you may do them before Pharaoh. But I'll harden his heart so that he won't let the people go.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Of The WillHardened HeartsGod Hardening PeopleHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPower, HumanOther Miracles

The LORD set the time: "Tomorrow the LORD will do this thing in the land."

Verse ConceptsThe Time Appointed

Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded: "Set aside one omer of it for future generations, so that they may see the food with which I fed you in the desert when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DryGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

The whole congregation of the Israelis set out from the desert of Sin, traveling from place to place according to the command of the LORD. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTTravelParticular JourneysNo Water For People

They had set out from Rephidim and arrived at the desert of Sinai where they camped in the desert. Israel camped there in front of the mountain.

You are to set boundaries for the people all around: "Be very careful that you don't go up on the mountain or touch the side of it. Anyone who touches the mountain is certainly to be put to death.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesDeath As Punishmentborders

Moses told the LORD, "The people cannot come up to Mount Sinai because you warned us: "Set boundaries around the mountain and consecrate it.'"

Verse ConceptsBoundariesHoliness, Believers' Growth InGoing Up Mountainslimitations

"These are the ordinances that you are to set before them.

Verse ConceptsTheocracyThe Law Given To Israel

"You are to be people set apart for me. You are not to eat flesh torn apart in the field; you are to throw it to the dogs."

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofdogsPeople Of God, In OtAnimals, Types OfAnimals Torn To PiecesA Holy NationForbidden FoodPets

"I'll set your borders from the Reed Sea to the Sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the River, bringing the inhabitants of the land under your control, and you are to drive them out ahead of you.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesLand, As A Divine GiftLandmarksMediterranean SeaGod Sets BoundariesOther References To The Red SeaAs Far As The EuphratesThose God Gave Into Their Handsborders

You are to make loops of blue material along the edge of the outermost curtain in the first set, and likewise you are to make loops along the edge of the outermost curtain in the second set.

Verse ConceptsClothBlue Cords

You are to make 50 loops in the one curtain, and you are to make 50 loops along the edge of the curtain that is in the second set, with the loops opposite each other.

Verse ConceptsFiftiesOpposite Sides

You are to make 50 loops along the edge of the outermost curtain in the first set, and 50 loops along the edge of the curtain of the other set.

Verse ConceptsFifties

You are to hang it on four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold, which have hooks of gold, and are set on four sockets of silver.

Verse ConceptsHooksFour SupportsPillars For The TabernacleOverlaid With GoldSocketsGold Items For The Tabernacl

the fourth row beryl, onyx, and jasper, and they are to be set in gold filigree.

Verse ConceptsPrecious StonesPlaitingGold Items For The TabernaclJewellery And God

and for cutting stones to set them, for carving wood, and for doing all kinds of craftsmanship.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofSplitting WoodCutting StonesWood And Stonewoodworkingcraftsmanship

Moses used to take the tent and set it up outside the camp at a distance from the camp, and he called it the Tent of Meeting. When anyone sought the LORD, he would go out to the Tent of Meeting which was outside the camp.

Verse Conceptsenquiring of GodAskingTent Of MeetingTentsWeights And Measures, DistancesOutside The CampFar From Onedistance

The leaders brought onyx stones and stones to be set in the ephod and the breast piece,

Verse ConceptsJewelsJewellery And God

He made loops of blue material along the edge of the outermost curtain in the first set, and likewise, he made loops along the edge of the outermost curtain in the second set.

Verse ConceptsBlue Cords

He made 50 loops in the one curtain, and he made 50 loops along the edge of the curtain that is in the second set, with the loops opposite each other.

Verse ConceptsFiftiesOpposite Sides

He made 50 loops along the edge of the outermost curtain in the first set, and 50 loops along the edge of the curtain of the other set.

Verse ConceptsFiftiesLoops

and the fourth row beryl, onyx, and jasper. They were set in gold filigree when they were mounted.

Verse ConceptsPrecious StonesPlaitingGold Items For The TabernaclJewellery And God

"On the first day of the first month you are to set up the tent of the Tent of Meeting.

Verse ConceptsMonthTent Of MeetingTypes Of ChristCalendarsThe Tabernacle

You are to bring in the table and properly arrange what goes on it. Then you are to bring in the lamp stand and set up its lamps.

Verse ConceptsTables

"You are to put the golden altar for incense in front of the Ark of the Testimony and then set up the screen for the doorway to the tent.

Verse ConceptsGoldIncenseTypes Of ChristTestimonies

You are to set up the court all around, and hang up the screen for the gate of the court.

Verse ConceptsGates Of The Temple

And so in the first month of the second year, on the first day of the month, the tent was set up.

Moses set up the tent. He installed its sockets and set its boards in place. He inserted its bars and set up its pillars.

Verse ConceptsThe Tabernacle

He brought the ark into the tent, set up the curtain, and screened off the Ark of the Testimony, just as the LORD had commanded him.

Verse ConceptsMost Holy Place

and set up the lamps in the LORD's presence, just as the LORD had commanded him.

Verse ConceptsLight Of Lamps

He set up the screen for the doorway of the tent.

He set up the court all around the tent and the altar, and hung up the screen for the gate of the court. And so Moses finished the work.

Verse ConceptsGates Of The Temple

Whenever the cloud was lifted up from the tent, the Israelis would set out on their journey,

Verse ConceptsDivine ManifestationsThings Lifted UpMoving To A New Place

but if the cloud was not lifted up, they would not set out until it was lifted up,

Verse ConceptsThings Lifted UpMoving On

The priest is to clothe himself with a linen robe and undergarments. Then he is to take the ashes of the burnt offering on the altar that had been consumed by the fire and set them beside the altar.

Verse ConceptsLinenClothing OneselfAshes Of SacrificesLinen ItemsUndergarments

Then he is to change his clothes, dressing himself with a different set of clothes, and take the ashes to a clean place outside the camp.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CampChanging ClothesAshes Of SacrificesClean Objects

He set the breastplate on him, placed the Urim and Thummim on top of the breastplate,

Verse ConceptsBreastpieceHigh Priest, In OtThe Urim And ThummimUrim And Thummim

then he set the turban on his head. On the turban at the front he set the golden plate, the sacred crown that the LORD had commanded.

Verse ConceptsCrowns, Worn ByHeadsHead coveringPlatesTurban And Caps

because I, the LORD, am your God. Set yourselves apart and be holy, because I am holy. You are not to defile yourselves with any of the swarming creatures that swarm the earth.

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordLaw, OtSexual Sin, Nature OfSin, And God's CharacterUnclean SpiritsPeople Polluting ThemselvesThe Lord Is GodBe Holy For I Am Holy

"When the one with the discharge is cleansed from his discharge, then he is to set aside for himself seven days for his cleansing. He is to wash his clothes and bathe with flowing water. Then he will be clean.

Verse ConceptsNumberingFlowing WaterLaw, OtPurificationSeven DaysClean ClothesDischargesSeven Days For Legal Purposescleansing

"You are not to defile my sacred name, because I've been set apart in the midst of the Israelis. Furthermore, I am the LORD, who sets you apart

Verse ConceptsGod, Holiness OfRitual LawSanctification, Nature And BasisProfaning God's NameI Am The LordHallowedMaking People Holy

"Count for yourselves seven years of Sabbaths seven times seven years. This set of seven weeks of years total 49 years for you.

Verse ConceptsNumberingSeven40 To 50 Yearsspace

Set aside and consecrate the fiftieth year to declare liberty throughout the land for all of its inhabitants. It is to be a jubilee for you. Every person is to return to his own land that he has inherited. Likewise, every person is to return to his tribe.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Acts Of In Otethics, personalClansCivil LibertyHolidayProclaimingReversion Of ThingsFreedom

If he isn't redeemed by these, then he is to be set free in the year of jubilee he and his children with him

Verse ConceptsYearsPeople Freeing Slaves

I'll set up my tent in your midst and I won't loathe you.

Verse ConceptsGod Living With UsGod Not Forsaking

I'll set my face against you so that you'll be defeated before your enemies. Those who hate you will have dominion over you and you'll keep fleeing even when no one is pursuing you.

Verse ConceptsFace Of GoddefeatPursuingGuilty FearGod OpposingUnsuitable Rule

But if he is too poor to be valuated, then cause him to stand before the priest and let the priest set a value on him according to the ability of the one making the vow.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of PossessionsPoverty, Remedies ForPoor People

"If a person consecrates his house to be holy to the LORD, then the priest is to set a value for it as to its worth, whether good or bad. As the priest sets value on it, so it will stand.

Verse ConceptsLiving In Houses

Whenever the tent is ready for travel, the descendants of Levi are to take it down. When it's time to encamp, the descendants of Levi are to set it up. Any unauthorized person who approaches it is to be executed.

Verse ConceptsAccess To God, In Old TestamentStrangersExclusionMaking The TabernacleDeath Due To God's PresenceDanger When God Is NearDeath ApproachingMoving To A New Place

They are to set a leather-dyed skin covering over it, cover it with a pure blue cloth, and then insert its poles.

Verse ConceptsPolesAnimal SkinsBlue Cloth

Then they are to put them with all the other utensils on the leather-dyed skin covering and set them on the beams for transport.

Verse ConceptsPolesAnimal SkinsTwo AnimalsPriests Possessing

Then they are to take all the utensils for service with which they minister at the sanctuary, set them on the blue cloth, cover them with the leather-dyed skin covering, and then set them on the beams for transport.

Verse ConceptsAnimal SkinsBlue Cloth

But do this for them so that they may live and not die when they approach the Most Holy Place: Aaron and his sons are to go in and set specific responsibilities for each of them to carry out.

Verse ConceptsMan Appointing

then that man is to bring his wife to the priest along with an offering for her consisting of a tenth of an ephah of barley flour. He is not to pour oil or set frankincense over it, because it's to be a jealousy offering, a memorial offering that will serve as a reminder of iniquity.

Verse ConceptsGrain OfferingOilAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingOil On SacrificesEphah [Ten Omers]Regulations For Cereal OfferingsThose Jealous For People

During the entire time of his dedication, he is set apart to God.

Verse ConceptsHairs

The Nazirite is then to shave his head of consecration at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. He is to take the lock of his head of consecration and set it over the fire where the peace offering for sacrifice is.

Verse ConceptsHairsShavingBurning Sacrifices

"Tell Aaron, "When you set up the lamps, the seven lamps will illuminate the area in front of the lamp stand.'"

Verse ConceptsSeven LightsLight Of Lamps

since they've been set apart for me from among the Israelis. I've taken them for myself instead of the first to open the womb every firstborn of the Israelis,

Verse ConceptsPeople Belong To God

I've set the descendants of Levi apart from the Israelis so that Aaron and his sons would work in service at the appointed place of meeting, making atonement on behalf of the Israelis so that there won't be a plague among the Israelis whenever they approach the sanctuary."

Verse ConceptsLevitesSanctuaryDeath Due To God's PresenceDanger When God Is NearPriests Atoning

On the same morning that the tent was set up, a cloud covered the tent, that is, the Tent of Testimony, and in the evening fire appeared over the tent until morning.

Verse ConceptsMaking The TabernacleCovering The TabernacleThe Tabernacle

"Make two trumpets, crafting them from beaten silver, for use in calling the congregation together and for notifying the camps to set out for travel.

Verse ConceptsSilverMusical Instruments, Made OfTwo Other Things

so the Israelis set out from the Sinai Wilderness until the cloud settled in the Paran Wilderness,

Verse ConceptsParticular Journeys

Then the standard of the camp of Reuben set out, accompanied by its army with Shedeur's son Elizur in charge.

Verse ConceptsFlags

Then the descendants of Kohath, carrying the sanctuary, set out, since the tent was to be set up before they arrive.

Verse ConceptsMaking The TabernacleCarrying Holy ThingsThe Tabernacle

After this, the standard of the camp of Ephraim set out, accompanied by its army with Ammihud's son Elishama in charge.

Verse ConceptsFlags

Then the standard of the camp of Dan set out, functioning as the rear guard for all the encampments, accompanied by its army with Ammishaddai's son Ahiezer.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of IsraelFlagsLast Ones

So Aaron took the censer, just as Moses had spoken, and ran out to the center of the assembly, where a plague had begun among the people. He set the incense on fire and atoned for the people.

Verse ConceptsAtonementIndividuals Running

Because the Israelis argued with the LORD and he was set apart among them, this place was called the Meribah Springs.

Verse ConceptsStriving With God

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 33

sit , sit down , set , be set , be set down , continue , tarry
Usage: 30

Usage: 350

Usage: 144

pour out , pour , cover , offer , melteth , molten , set , set up
Usage: 25

Usage: 146

Usage: 75

Quwm (Aramaic) 
set up , arise , stand , set , establish , rise up , appointeth , stood by , made , rise
Usage: 35

שׂים שׂוּם 
put , make , set , lay , appoint , give , set up , consider , turn , brought , ordain , place , take , shew , regard , mark , disposed , care ,
Usage: 580

set on , set thereon
Usage: 2

set , vr set
Usage: 1

be set before , be first , be set forth
Usage: 5

seal , set to seal , stop , seal up , set a seal , vr seal
Usage: 25

Usage: 376

burn , ... away , kindle , brutish , eaten , set , burn up , eat up , feed , heated , took , wasted
Usage: 94

המּון המּו 
them , set , are , those , men
Usage: 9

Z@qaph (Aramaic) 
set up
Usage: 1

Usage: 56

Usage: 4

Usage: 19

Usage: 11

Usage: 10

give , go to , Bring , ascribe , come on , give out , Set , take
Usage: 34

Usage: 0

Usage: 43

Usage: 29

Usage: 23

Usage: 48

Usage: 16

Usage: 53

Usage: 29

Usage: 11

Usage: 1081

Usage: 217

K@lal (Aramaic) 
set up , make up , finished , variant
Usage: 7

set on fire , burn up , burn , kindle , flaming
Usage: 11

מסבּה מוּסבּה 
Usage: 4

מלא מלא 
Usage: 251

Usage: 15

Usage: 3

מנה מנא 
M@na' (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

Usage: 28

Usage: 65

Usage: 12

משׁלח משׁלח משׁלוח 
Usage: 10

Usage: 9

Usage: 8

Usage: 65

give , put , deliver , made , set , up , lay , grant , suffer , yield , bring , cause , utter , laid , send , recompense , appoint , shew ,
Usage: 2011

Usage: 1

Usage: 18

שׂכך סכך 
Usage: 23

Usage: 48

Usage: 1

Usage: 28

Usage: 9

Usage: 521

Usage: 7

Usage: 303

Usage: 16

Usage: 43

Usage: 143

set on edge , blunt
Usage: 4

Usage: 629

Usage: 6

Usage: 4

Ruwm (Aramaic) 
lift up , extol , set up
Usage: 4

Usage: 78

Usage: 2

Usage: 21

set , made , lay , put , appoint , regard ,
Usage: 83

Usage: 5

Usage: 128

Usage: 2

send , go , forth , send away , lay , send out , put , put away , cast out , stretch out , cast , set , put out , depart , soweth , loose ,
Usage: 848

set on , brought , ordain
Usage: 5

Usage: 41

Usage: 9

Usage: 2

Usage: 3

sit at meat , guests , sit , sit down , be set down , lie , lean , at the table
Usage: 10

sit down , sit down to meat , be set down , lean
Usage: 8

Usage: 1

make straight , set up , lift up
Usage: 3

Usage: 4

Usage: 52

Usage: 12

Usage: 14

to set at variance
Usage: 0

δύνω δῦμι 
Usage: 2

Usage: 3

Usage: 11

set in order
Usage: 1

lay on , lay , put , lay upon , put on , put upon , set , not tr ,
Usage: 34

Usage: 4

Usage: 3

stand , set , establish , stand still , stand by , , vr stand
Usage: 129

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