19 occurrences

'Round' in the Bible

For, behold, I will call all the tribes of the kingdoms of the north,” says the Lord; “and they will come and each one will set his throne at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all its surrounding walls, and against all the cities of Judah [as My judicial act, the consequence of Judah’s deliberate disobedience].

Verse ConceptsGatesThroneSitting In The GatewayAttacks On Jerusalem Foretold

‘Like watchmen of a field they are against her on all sides,Because she has rebelled against Me,’ says the Lord.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Of Israel

“Shepherds with their flocks will come against her;They will pitch their tents all around her;They will pasture, each one in his place [eating up all her rich grasses].

Verse ConceptsShepherds, As Kings And Leaders

“Is My inheritance like a speckled bird of prey to Me [unlike the others]?Are the birds of prey (enemies) surrounding her on every side?Go, gather all the [wild] beasts of the field;Bring them to devour [her]!

Verse ConceptsBirds, Figurative UseBirds, Types Of BirdsAnimals Eating PeopleBirds Of PreyBlemished CreaturesBirds

People will come from the cities of Judah and the places all around Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin, from the lowland, from the hill country and from the South (the Negev), bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and incense, and bringing sacrifices of thanksgiving to the house of the Lord.

Verse ConceptsThank OfferingThe Shephelah

“But I will punish you in accordance with the [appropriate] consequences of your decisions and your actions,” says the Lord.“I will kindle a fire in your forest,And it will devour all that is around you.”’”

Verse ConceptsForestsSin, God's Judgment OnWarningFruits Of SinBurning PlantsHarming TreesRepaid For DeedsPunishment

behold (hear this), I will send for all the families of the north,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will send for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, My servant [to enact My plan], and I will bring them against this land and against its inhabitants and against all these surrounding nations; and I will utterly destroy them and make them a horror and a hissing [that is, an object of warning and ridicule] and an everlasting desolation.

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Prophecies Ofelection, responsibilities ofCivil authoritiesAuthority, of human institutionsMinistry, Nature OfWar As God's JudgmentHissingGod Will Kill His PeopleMade A Horror

Then King Zedekiah commanded, and they committed Jeremiah to the court of the guardhouse, and a [round] loaf of bread from the bakers’ street was given to him daily, until all the bread in the city was gone. So Jeremiah remained [imprisoned] in the court of the guardhouse.

Verse ConceptsBread, As FoodBakersBakingProphets, Lives OfRoadsPrisonsOnce A Day

“Declare in Egypt and proclaim in Migdol,And proclaim in Memphis and in Tahpanhes;Say, ‘Take your stand and get yourself ready,For the sword has devoured those around you.’

Verse ConceptsHeraldMemphis

“How it is broken down! How they have wailed! How Moab has turned his back in shame! So Moab will become a laughingstock and a [horrifying] terror to all who are around him.”

Verse ConceptsTurning One's BackMade A HorrorShame Has Come

“Behold, I am going to bring terror on you,”Says the Lord God of hosts,“From all who are around you;And each of you will be driven out headlong,And there will be no one to gather the fugitives together.

Verse ConceptsPeople Appalled

“Set yourselves in battle formation against Babylon on every side,All you archers.Shoot at her! Do not spare the arrows,For she has sinned against the Lord.

“Raise the battle cry against her on every side!She has given her hand [in agreement] and has surrendered; her pillars have fallen,Her walls have been torn down.For this is the vengeance of the Lord:Take vengeance on her;As she has done [to others], do to her.

Verse ConceptsTowersWallsMan AvengingLet Evil ReboundRevengeSurrenderTreating Others

“Call together many [archers] against Babylon,All those who bend the bow.Encamp against her on every side;Let no one from there escape.Repay her according to her actions;Just as she has done, do to her.For she has been proudly defiant and presumptuous against the Lord,Against the Holy One of Israel.

Verse ConceptsdefianceInfidelity To GodNo EscapeLet Evil ReboundProud People

“The arrogant (proud) one will stumble and fallWith no one to raise him up;And I will set fire to his citiesAnd it will devour all who are around him.”

Verse ConceptsStumblingAbaseAbasement Of The ProudDownfallBurning CitiesThe Proud Will Be Abaseduncertaintyarrogance

Now it came about in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusalem; and they camped against it and built moveable towers and siege mounds all around it.

Verse ConceptsInvasionsArmies, Against IsraelMonth 10Years Of Zedekiah

Then the city was broken into, and all the soldiers fled. They left the city at night [as Ezekiel prophesied] passing through the gate between the two walls by the king’s garden, though the Chaldeans were all around the city. They fled by way of the Arabah (the Jordan Valley).

Verse ConceptsBattering ramsHorticultureComing BetweenCity GatesIsrael Fleeing

So all the army of the Chaldeans who were with the captain of the guard broke down all the walls around Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of Jerusalem's Wall

There were ninety-six pomegranates on the sides; and a hundred pomegranates were on the lattice-work all around.

Verse ConceptsThe Number NinetyOne HundredNineties

Bible Theasaurus

Circle (90 instances)
Circular (7 instances)
Cycle (6 instances)
Encircle (14 instances)
Environ (1 instance)
Rhythm (1 instance)
Surround (69 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 7

Usage: 19

Usage: 4

Usage: 7

Usage: 2

Usage: 10

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 6

מסבּות מסבּים מסב 
Usage: 5

Usage: 157

סביבה סביב 
Usage: 334

Usage: 1

עגול עגל 
Usage: 6

Usage: 3

Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 0

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 1