38 occurrences

'Stars' in the Bible

God made the two great lights—the greater light to have dominion over the day and the lesser light to have dominion over the night—as well as the stars.

Verse ConceptsDays, Natural UseTwoStarsThe SunComparisonsProvision Of DayProvision Of NightTwo Other ThingsSun Moon And Stars Before GodStars Created By GodSunGod's CreationSunshineThe Mooncrusades

I will make your offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky, I will give your offspring all these lands, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed by your offspring,

Verse ConceptsMultiplyingConsistencyevangelists, identity ofBlessings, To AbrahamMission, Of IsraelBlessing Through God's People

Then he had another dream and told it to his brothers. “Look,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun, moon, and 11 stars were bowing down to me.”

Verse ConceptsMoonSubjectionBowing Before JosephElevenDreams Involving Unusual ImagesThe Moon

Remember Your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel—You swore to them by Your very self and declared, ‘I will make your offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky and will give your offspring all this land that I have promised, and they will inherit it forever.’”

Verse ConceptsGod Of The FathersHeirsLand, As A Divine ResponsibilityServants Of The LordGolden CalvesEternal PossessionGod Swearing Blessings

The Lord your God has so multiplied you that today you are as numerous as the stars of the sky.

When you look to the heavens and see the sun, moon, and stars—all the array of heaven—do not be led astray to bow down and worship them. The Lord your God has provided them for all people everywhere under heaven.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyPlanetsMoonSkyStarsThe SunIdolatry Consists OfDo Not Have Other godsIdolatrous Worship Of The MoonWorship Of The SunSunWorshiping TogetherSunshineThe Moonadoration

Your fathers went down to Egypt, 70 people in all, and now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars of the sky.

Verse ConceptsStarsSeventies

and has gone to worship other gods by bowing down to the sun, moon, or all the stars in the sky—which I have forbidden—

Verse ConceptsMoonStarsThe SunIdolatry Consists OfDifferent GodsIdolatrous Worship Of The MoonSunWorshiping GodThe Moon

Though you were as numerous as the stars of the sky, you will be left with only a few people, because you did not obey the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsFew People

The stars fought from the heavens;the stars fought with Sisera from their courses.

David didn’t count the men aged 20 or under, for the Lord had said He would make Israel as numerous as the stars of heaven.

Verse ConceptsStarsTwenty

So we continued the work, while half of the men were holding spears from daybreak until the stars came out.

Verse ConceptsDawnFervourZealousness, Examples OfIndustry, Examples OfFrom Morning Till EveningHalf Of Groups

You multiplied their descendantslike the stars of heavenand brought them to the landYou told their ancestors to go in and take possession of it.

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To AbrahamStars

May its morning stars grow dark.May it wait for daylight but have none;may it not see the breaking of dawn.

Verse ConceptsTwilightDaybreakDarkness During DaytimeUntil DaybreakDarkening Sun Moon And Stars

He makes the stars: the Bear, Orion,the Pleiades, and the constellations of the southern sky.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyFate, And FatalismConstellationsNatureSouthBearsOrionSun Moon And Stars Before God

Isn’t God as high as the heavens?And look at the highest stars—how lofty they are!

Verse ConceptsAstronomyGod On HighThings On High

If even the moon does not shineand the stars are not pure in His sight,

Verse ConceptsAstronomyShiningSun Moon And Stars Before GodThe Moon

the moon and stars to rule by night.        His love is eternal.

Verse ConceptsProvision Of NightThe Moonwaterfalls

before the sun and the light are darkened,and the moon and the stars,and the clouds return after the rain;

Verse ConceptsClouds, Natural UseLooking Through WindowsOvertaken By DarknessDarkening Sun Moon And StarsSunshineThe Moon

Indeed, the stars of the sky and its constellationswill not give their light.The sun will be dark when it rises,and the moon will not shine.

Verse ConceptsConstellationsAstronomyMoonEclipsesSheddingOrionDarkening Sun Moon And StarsDarkness At The EndAstronomical SignsCosmic Disturbances

You said to yourself:“I will ascend to the heavens;I will set up my throneabove the stars of God.I will sit on the mount of the gods’ assembly,in the remotest parts of the North.

Verse ConceptsLove, Abuse OfNames Of GodSelf ExaltationGoing Up To HeavenRebellion of Satan and AngelsKarma

All the heavenly bodies will dissolve.The skies will roll up like a scroll,and their stars will all witheras leaves wither on the vine,and foliage on the fig tree.

Verse ConceptsdrynessAstronomyHost Of HeavenScrollsSkyStarsVinesFigsThe Universe DestroyedNature DecayingAffecting Sun Moon And StarsLucifer

You are worn out with your many consultations.So let them stand and save you—the astrologers, who observe the stars,who predict monthlywhat will happen to you.

Verse ConceptsBabylonAstrologyDivination, Practiced ByStarsOccultismfate

This is what the Lord says:The One who gives the sun for light by day,the fixed order of moon and stars for light by night,who stirs up the sea and makes its waves roar—Yahweh of Hosts is His name:

Verse ConceptsFate, And FatalismAstronomyCommands, in OTLight, NaturalMoonNatureOceansOrderly PatternsGod As A WarriorHis Name Is The LordSun Moon And Stars Before GodThe Sea Stirred UpSunshineThe Moon

When I snuff you out,I will cover the heavensand darken their stars.I will cover the sun with a cloud,and the moon will not give its light.

Verse ConceptsMoonEclipsesDarkening Sun Moon And StarsDarkness At The EndAstronomical SignsCosmic DisturbancesLuciferThe Moon

It grew as high as the heavenly host, made some of the stars and some of the host fall to the earth, and trampled them.

Verse ConceptsHost Of HeavenAffecting Sun Moon And StarsPutting Things Down

You have made your merchantsmore numerous than the stars of the sky.The young locust strips the landand flies away.

Verse ConceptsTradeCommerceThings StrippedPeople MultiplyingThose Flying

Bible Theasaurus

Adept (3 instances)
Champion (10 instances)
Genius (4 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 18

Usage: 37

Usage: 3

Usage: 16

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.