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For their feet are running after evil, and they are quick to take a man's life.

And they are secretly waiting for their blood and making ready destruction for themselves.

Her words are sounding in the meeting-places, and in the doorways of the town:

Truly, if you are crying out for good sense, and your request is for knowledge;

Giving you salvation from the evil man, from those whose words are false;

For I give you good teaching; do not give up the knowledge you are getting from me.

For they are life to him who gets them, and strength to all his flesh.

She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge.

And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted;

For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he puts all his goings in the scales.

You are taken as in a net by the words of your mouth, the sayings of your lips have overcome you.

In your walking, it will be your guide; when you are sleeping, it will keep watch over you; when you are awake, it will have talk with you.

He will not take any payment; and he will not make peace with you though your money offerings are increased.

Say to wisdom, You are my sister; let knowledge be named your special friend:

So that they may keep you from the strange woman, even from her whose words are smooth.

For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army.

Give ear, for my words are true, and my lips are open to give out what is upright.

For good faith goes out of my mouth, and false lips are disgusting to me.

All the words of my mouth are righteousness; there is nothing false or twisted in them.

They are all true to him whose mind is awake, and straightforward to those who get knowledge.

For wisdom is better than jewels, and all things which may be desired are nothing in comparison with her.

Through me chiefs have authority, and the noble ones are judging in righteousness.

If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if your heart is full of pride, you only will have the pain of it.

But he does not see that the dead are there, that her guests are in the deep places of the underworld.

Blessings are on the head of the upright, but the face of sinners will be covered with sorrow.

He whose ways are upright will go safely, but he whose ways are twisted will be made low.

The lips of the upright man have knowledge of what is pleasing, but twisted are the mouths of evil-doers.

With his mouth the evil man sends destruction on his neighbour; but through knowledge the upright are taken out of trouble.

When things go well for the upright man, all the town is glad; at the death of sinners, there are cries of joy.

The words of sinners are destruction for the upright; but the mouth of upright men is their salvation.

Evil-doers are overturned and never seen again, but the house of upright men will keep its place.

True lips are certain for ever, but a false tongue is only for a minute.

Deceit is in the heart of those whose designs are evil, but for those purposing peace there is joy.

Righteousness keeps safe him whose way is without error, but evil-doers are overturned by sin.

He who goes on his way in righteousness has before him the fear of the Lord; but he whose ways are twisted gives him no honour.

Foolish behaviour is the heritage of the simple, but men of good sense are crowned with knowledge.

The knees of the evil are bent before the good; and sinners go down in the dust at the doors of the upright.

Will not the designers of evil come into error? But mercy and good faith are for the designers of good.

Before the Lord are the underworld and destruction: how much more, then, the hearts of the children of men!

The heart of the man of good sense goes in search of knowledge, but foolish things are the food of the unwise.

All the days of the troubled are evil; but he whose heart is glad has an unending feast.

Thorns are round the way of the hater of work; but the road of the hard worker becomes a highway.

He whose desires are fixed on profit is a cause of trouble to his family; but he who has no desire for offerings will have life.

Lips of righteousness are the delight of kings; and he who says what is upright is dear to him.

He whose eyes are shut is a man of twisted purposes, and he who keeps his lips shut tight makes evil come about.

Fair words are not to be looked for from a foolish man, much less are false lips in a ruler.

Wisdom is before the face of him who has sense; but the eyes of the foolish are on the ends of the earth.

Even the foolish man, when he keeps quiet, is taken to be wise: when his lips are shut he is credited with good sense.

The words of one who says evil of his neighbour secretly are like sweet food, and go down into the inner parts of the stomach.