Most Popular Bible Verses in Philippians 2

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Therefore God has indeed exalted him, and given him a name above every name;


that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow, of things in heaven and things upon the earth and things beneath the earth,


Indeed then I hope to send him, so soon as I may learn the things concerning myself:


but you also rejoice in this same thing, and rejoice along with me.


But you know his integrity, that, as a child a father, he served along with me in the gospel.


since he was longing after you all, and grieving, because you heard that he was sick.


for all are seeking after their own, and not the things of Jesus Christ.


For I have no one like-minded, who will nobly remember the things concerning you;


but I trust in the Lord that I myself will come speedily.


Therefore I the more diligently, in order that, seeing him, you may rejoice again, and I may not be without sorrow.


and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, unto the glory of God the Father.


But I hope in the Lord Jesus, speedily to send unto you Timothy, in order that I may also be delighted, having learned the things concerning you.


But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and fellow-laborer and fellow-soldier, and apostle and the minister of my necessity;


because he was nigh unto death on account of the work of Christ, having jeoparded his life, in order that he might fulfill your deficiency of ministry towards me.