Reference: Conversation
In the Bible, usually means the whole tenor of one's life, intercourse with his fellow men, Ga 1:13; Eph 4:22; 1Pe 1:15. Another word is employed in Php 3:20, which means, "our citizenship is in heaven." For conversation in modern sense of discourse, the English version generally has communication, 2Ki 9:11; Mt 5:37; Eph 4:29.
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But let your language be, 'Yes, yes,' or 'No, no.' Anything in excess of this comes from the Evil one.
For you have heard of my early career in Judaism--how I furiously persecuted the Church of God, and made havoc of it;
to put away, in regard to your former mode of life, your original evil nature which is doomed to perish as befits its misleading impulses,
Let no unwholesome words ever pass your lips, but let all your words be good for benefiting others according to the need of the moment, so that they may be a means of blessing to the hearers.
We, however, are free citizens of Heaven, and we are waiting with longing expectation for the coming from Heaven of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,
(1) generally the goings out and in of social intercourse (Eph 2:3; 4:22; R.V., "manner of life"); one's deportment or course of life. This word is never used in Scripture in the sense of verbal communication from one to another (Ps 50:23; Heb 13:5). In Php 1:27; 3:20, a different Greek word is used. It there means one's relations to a community as a citizen, i.e., citizenship.
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Among them all of us also formerly passed our lives, governed by the inclinations of our lower natures, indulging the cravings of those natures and of our own thoughts, and were in our original state deserving of anger like all others.
to put away, in regard to your former mode of life, your original evil nature which is doomed to perish as befits its misleading impulses,
Only let the lives you live be worthy of the Good News of the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may know that you are standing fast in one spirit and with one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Good News.
We, however, are free citizens of Heaven, and we are waiting with longing expectation for the coming from Heaven of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Your lives should be untainted by love for money. Be content with what you have; for God Himself has said, "I will never, never let go your hand: I will never never forsake you."
In English Version the word is always used in the archaic sense of 'behaviour,' 'conduct.' In the OT, AV gives it twice (Ps 37:14; 50:23), representing Heb. derek = 'way' (cf. RV and Revised Version margin). In the NT it is used in AV to render three sets of words. (1) The noun anastroph
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For the reason for our boasting is this--the testimony of our own conscience that it was in holiness and with pure motives before God, and in reliance not on worldly wisdom but on the gracious help of God, that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and above all in our relations with you.
For you have heard of my early career in Judaism--how I furiously persecuted the Church of God, and made havoc of it;
Among them all of us also formerly passed our lives, governed by the inclinations of our lower natures, indulging the cravings of those natures and of our own thoughts, and were in our original state deserving of anger like all others.
to put away, in regard to your former mode of life, your original evil nature which is doomed to perish as befits its misleading impulses,
Only let the lives you live be worthy of the Good News of the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may know that you are standing fast in one spirit and with one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Good News.
We, however, are free citizens of Heaven, and we are waiting with longing expectation for the coming from Heaven of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Your lives should be untainted by love for money. Be content with what you have; for God Himself has said, "I will never, never let go your hand: I will never never forsake you."
Remember your former leaders--it was they who brought you God's Message. Bear in mind how they ended their lives, and imitate their faith.
Which of you is a wise and well-instructed man? Let him prove it by a right life with conduct guided by a wisely teachable spirit.
This word is not used in scripture in the sense of familiar discourse. It occurs in the O.T. in Ps 37:14; 50:23, and refers to the walk; it reads in the margin 'the upright of way,' 'that disposeth his way.' In the N.T. the word ????????? has a similar sense of 'walk, conduct, behaviour,' Ga 1:13; Eph 4:22; 1Ti 4:12; and in all other passages except Php 1:27; and Php 3:20 (where it is ?????????, 'citizenship' which for the Christian is in heaven, separating him from citizenship on earth and its politics); and Heb.13:5, ??????, 'general manner of life.'
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For you have heard of my early career in Judaism--how I furiously persecuted the Church of God, and made havoc of it;
to put away, in regard to your former mode of life, your original evil nature which is doomed to perish as befits its misleading impulses,
Only let the lives you live be worthy of the Good News of the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may know that you are standing fast in one spirit and with one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Good News.
We, however, are free citizens of Heaven, and we are waiting with longing expectation for the coming from Heaven of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,