2 occurrences in 2 dictionaries
Reference: PASTOR
Shepherd, one whose office it is to feed and guard the flock of Christ, Eph 4:11; 1Pe 5:2. See SHEPHERD.
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In the O.T. the word is raah, 'to feed,' and refers to those who should have succoured God's people. They, as all others, had failed; they had destroyed and scattered the sheep. Jer 2:8; 3:15; 12:10; 17:16; 22:22; 23:1-2. In the N.T. it is ??????, which is applied to Christ Himself as the good Shepherd, etc. The pastor is one of the gifts in the church, Eph 4:11; he is one who is gifted to help on the saints individually, enter into their trials and difficulties, and bring the word to instruct and comfort them, or to remonstrate with and counsel them if needed.