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And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves.
Go now to the flock, and fetch me from there two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savory food for your father, such as he loves:
And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, that Jacob went near, and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, and watered the flock of Laban his mother's brother.
And he said, What shall I give you? And Jacob said, You shall not give me anything: if you will do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep your flock.
I will pass through all your flock today, removing from there all the speckled and spotted sheep, and all the brown lambs among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and of such shall be my wages.
And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the striped, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not with Laban's flock.
And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field unto his flock,
If he said thus, The speckled shall be your wages; then all the cattle bore speckled: and if he said thus, The striped shall be your wages; then bore all the flock striped.
And it came to pass at the time that the flock conceived, that I lifted up my eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the rams which leaped upon the flock were striped, speckled, and spotted.
This twenty years have I been with you; your ewes and your female goats have not cast their young, and the rams of your flock have I not eaten.
And he said unto him, My lord knows that the children are frail, and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die.
And Esau said, Let me now leave with you some of the folk that are with me. And he said, What need is there? let me find grace in the sight of my lord.
These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brothers; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.
And his brothers went to feed their father's flock in Shechem.
And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not your brothers feed the flock in Shechem? come, and I will send you unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.
And he said, I will send you a kid from the flock. And she said, Will you give me a pledge, till you send it?
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