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And the nethermost gallery was five cubits broad and the middle gallery six. And the third, seven cubits broad. For he made the walls without, whereon the beams lay, ever thinner and thinner, so that they were not fastened in the walls of the house.

And then he built chambers over all the temple of five cubits height, and coupled the house together with beams of Cedar.

and every wing five cubits long: so that from the uttermost part of one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

And in the entering of the quyre he made two doors of olive tree, with the upper and two side posts five square.

And the roof was Cedar above on high upon the beams that lay a high on the pillars, which pillars were forty and five in number, fifteen on a row,

And he made two head pieces of molten brass to set on the tops of the pillars, of five cubits long apiece,

Then he cast a sea of brass, ten cubits wide from brim to brim and round in compass, and five cubits high. And a string of thirty cubits might compass it about,

And he put five of those bottoms on the right corner of the temple, and other five on the left: And put the sea on the right corner of the temple Eastward and toward the South.

And five candlesticks, for the right side, and as many for the left, before the quyre, of pure gold: with flowers, lamps, and snuffers of gold;

And these many lords that oversaw the work, had Solomon five hundred and fifty, which ruled the people that wrought in the work.

Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign upon Judah, the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel, and was thirty five years old when he began to reign and reigned twenty five years in Jerusalem.