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Cause me to tread in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art God saving me; on thee I waited all the day.

In the drawing near of those doing evil to me, to eat my flesh, adversaries and enemies to me, they were weak and fell

Thou wilt not give me to the soul of him pressing me, for witnesses of falsehood rose up against me, and violence will blow.

Send forth thy light and thy truth; they shall lead me, they shall bring me to thy holy mountain and to thy tents.

My God, his mercy shall anticipate me: God shall cause me to look upon mine enemies.

Who will bring me to the city of fortification? who guided me even to Edom?

Who will bring me to the city of fortification? who guide me even to Edom?

Thy hands made me and they will prepare me: cause me to understand and I will learn thy commands.

I was humbled even greatly: O Jehovah, cause me to live according to thy word,

I did judgment and justice: thou wilt not leave me to those oppressing me.

Justice is thy testimonies forever: cause me to understand and I shall live.

Hear my voice according to thy mercy O Jehovah, cause me to live according to thy judgment

Contend my contention and redeem me: cause me to live for thy word.

Great thy compassions, O Jehovah: cause me to live according to thy judgments.

My cry shall draw near before thee, O Jehovah: cause me to understand according to thy word.

For the enemy pursued my soul; he crushed to the earth my life; he caused me to dwell in darknesses, as the dead of old.