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Therefore, as flaming fire devours straw, and dry grass disintegrates in the flames, so their root will rot, and their flower will blow away like dust. For they have rejected the law of the Lord who commands armies, they have spurned the commands of the Holy One of Israel.

Verse ConceptsRejecting God's WordDecayGrassRejection Of GodStrawRejection Of God's WordWord Of GodRootsPeople RottingBurning Plants

along with the plants by the mouth of the river. All the cultivated land near the river will turn to dust and be blown away.

Verse ConceptsBooks

Indeed, the Lord knocks down those who live in a high place, he brings down an elevated town; he brings it down to the ground, he throws it down to the dust.

Verse ConceptsHumiliationHumilityPride, Results OfHumbling The ProudDestruction Of CitiesPutting Things Down

You will fall; while lying on the ground you will speak; from the dust where you lie, your words will be heard. Your voice will sound like a spirit speaking from the underworld; from the dust you will chirp as if muttering an incantation.

Verse ConceptsNecromancyAbasing PeopleSpeechghostsdust

But the horde of invaders will be like fine dust, the horde of tyrants like chaff that is blown away. It will happen suddenly, in a flash.

Verse ConceptsChaffSuddenlyLight As ChaffCreatures Returning To DustProtection From EnemiesEnemy Attacksdust

Look, the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they are regarded as dust on the scales. He lifts the coastlands as if they were dust.

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfBalances, Metaphorical UseBucketsA Little Bitbalancedust

Who stirs up this one from the east? Who officially commissions him for service? He hands nations over to him, and enables him to subdue kings. He makes them like dust with his sword, like windblown straw with his bow.

Verse ConceptsGod, Activity OfGod's Activity In The NationsChaffOut Of The EastLight As Chaff