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Even like many waters shall the people rage: God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and vanish away like the dust with the wind upon a hill, and as the whirlwind through a storm.

For all thy Captains gat them to their horses from the ordinance, yea they are all together ridden away, and fled far off.

Is not that the glorious city, which hath been of long antiquity? Whose natives dwelling far off, commend her so greatly?

Now hearken to, ye that are far off, how I do with them; and consider my glory, ye that be at hand.

Thou wentest straight to kings with oil and divers ointments - that is, thou hast sent thy messengers far off, and yet art thou fallen into the pit thereby.

I make the fruits of thanksgiving. I give peace unto them that are far off, and to them that are nigh, say I the LORD, that make him whole.

And therefore is equity gone aside, and righteousness standeth far off; truth is fallen down in the street, and the thing that is plain and open, may not be showed.

Unto them shall I give a token, and send certain of them that be delivered among the Gentiles: into Tarshish, Put and Lud, where men can handle bows; into Tubal also and Javan. The isles far off, that have not heard speak of me, and have not seen my glory, shall preach my praise among the Gentiles