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Nothing remains but to crouch among the captives
Or fall among the slain.
In spite of all this, His anger does not turn away
And His hand is still stretched out.

“But you have been cast out of your tomb
Like a rejected branch,
Clothed with the slain who are pierced with a sword,
Who go down to the stones of the pit
Like a trampled corpse.

“You will not be united with them in burial,
Because you have ruined your country,
You have slain your people.
May the offspring of evildoers not be mentioned forever.

You who were full of noise,
You boisterous town, you exultant city;
Your slain were not slain with the sword,
Nor did they die in battle.

For behold, the Lord is about to come out from His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
And the earth will reveal her bloodshed
And will no longer cover her slain.

Like the striking of Him who has struck them, has He struck them?
Or like the slaughter of His slain, have they been slain?

So their slain will be thrown out,
And their corpses will give off their stench,
And the mountains will be drenched with their blood.

For the Lord will execute judgment by fire
And by His sword on all flesh,
And those slain by the Lord will be many.