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Because of the ground which is cracked, because no rain has been in the land, the plowmen are disappointed, they cover their heads.

Verse ConceptsVeilsShaming People

Why do you cry for your hurt? Your pain is incurable: for the greatness of your iniquity, because your sins were increased, I have done these things to you.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of The WickedNo HealingAll Have SinnedSin Producing Afflictions

'You said, "Woe is me now. For the LORD has added sorrow to my pain; I am weary with my groaning, and I find no rest."'"

Verse ConceptsdiscouragementSighingRest, PhysicalSelf PitySleeplessnessTirednessUnhappinessI Am Suffering

Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: wail for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.

Verse ConceptsBalmsMedicineOintmentBabylon Destroyed