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You were adorned with gold, silver, clothing of fine linen, silk, and embroidery. You ate food made from the finest flour, honey, and olive oil. You were exceedingly beautiful, attaining royal status.

You took your embroidered gowns and made clothes to cover them. Then you offered my olive oil and incense to them.

"Not only that, you took the food I gave you my fine flour, olive oil, and honey with which I fed you, and you offered them to those gods in order to appease them. That's exactly what happened," says the Lord GOD.

That's when I'll make their waterways flow smoothly, and their rivers flow like olive oil,' declares the Lord GOD."

The olive oil quota is to be based on the bath, measured at ten baths to each omer, which is equal to one kor.

""The Regent Prince is also to present a grain offering consisting of an ephah with each bull and an ephah with each ram, along with a hin of olive oil mixed with an ephah of grain.

The Regent Prince is to present an ephah of grain along with the bull, an ephah of grain along with the ram, a grain offering consisting of as much as he is able to give and a hin of olive oil with each ephah of grain.