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Then, as they had been divinely warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by a different road.

Verse ConceptsGod, Revelation OfVisions And Dreams In ScriptureWarning IndividualsDifferent ThingsNot going home directlyepiphany

After they had gone, there appeared an angel of the Lord to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Rise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt; stay there till I tell you. For Herod is going to search for the child and destroy him."

Verse ConceptsFutureFugitivesAngel of the LordCommunicationSafetySpeech, DivineSuffering, Of Jesus ChristViolenceHeaven And AngelsVisions And Dreams In ScriptureProvincesStaying PutAttempts To Kill ChristGod AppearingTaking ChristImmigrantsreuniting

But when Herod died, there appeared an angel of the Lord in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,

Verse ConceptsGod AppearingDeath Of A Family MemberDeath Of A ChildDeath Of A MotherFamily Death

but on hearing that Archelaus reigned over Judaea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there and, by a divine injunction in a dream, withdrew to the region of Galilee.

Verse ConceptsTetrarchWarning IndividualsNamed Gentile RulersKings Of All Israel Or Judah

Besides, when he was seated on the tribunal, his wife had sent to tell him, "Do nothing with that innocent man, for I have suffered greatly to-day in a dream about him.")

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples OfJudgment SeatJudgesWise CouncelSittingSleeplessnessWivesVisions And Dreams In ScriptureChrist, Names ForJudgement SeatLeave Them AloneWife