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and beseeches Him much, saying, "My little daughter is extremely ill; I pray that, coming, Thou wilt lay Thy hands upon her, that she may be healed and live."

While He was yet speaking, they come from the synagogue-ruler's house, saying, "Your daughter died; why do you trouble the Teacher any further?"

and the daughter of Herodias herself coming in and dancing, it pleased Herod and those reclining at table with him; and the king said to the damsel, "Ask of me whatsoever you wish, and I will give it to you."

But straightway a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of Him, coming, fell down at His feet.

And the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. And she kept asking Him to cast forth the demon out of her daughter.

And He said to her, "Because of this word go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter."