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And the sons of Israel will do evil in the eyes of Jehovah, and Jehovah will give them into the hand of Midian seven years.

And it will be in that night Jehovah will say to him, Take a bullock of the oxen which is to thy father, and the second bullock of seven years, and break in pieces the altar of Baal, which is to thy father, and the wooden pillar which is upon it thou shalt cut down;

And he will take a youth from the men of Succoth, and he will ask him: and he will write for him the chiefs of Succoth and its old men, seventy and seven men.

And the weight of the gold rings which he asked will be a thousand and seven hundred of gold; besides of little moons and earrings and purple robes which were upon the kings of Midian, and besides from the collars which upon their camels' necks.

And there will be to him thirty sons and thirty daughters he sent without, and thirty daughters he brought in to his sons from without: and he will judge Israel seven years.

And Samson will say to them, I will propose to you an enigma: if announcing, ye shall announce it to me in seven days of the drinking, and ye find out, and I will give to you thirty wide garments and thirty exchanges of garments:

And she will weep upon him seven days which were to them of the drinking: and it will be in the seventh day, and he will announce to her, for she urged him: and she will announce the enigma to the sons of her people.

And Samson will say to her, If they shall bind me with seven moist cords that were not dried, and I was weak and shall be as another man.

And the princess of Philisteim will bring up to her seven moist cords which were not dried, and she will bind him with them.

And Delilah will say to Samson, Till now thou deceivedst me, and thou wilt speak to me lies: announce to me in what thou shalt be bound. And he will say to her, If thou shalt weave the seven braids of my head with the warp.

And she will cause him to sleep upon her knees; and she will call to a man, and she will shave the seven braids of his head; and she will begin to humble him, and his strength will remove from him.

And the sons of Benjamin will be reviewed in that day from the cities, twenty and six thousand men drawing the sword, besides from the inhabitants of Gibeah they were reviewed, seven hundred chosen men.