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Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers,

and Eliud begot Eleazar, and Eleazar begot Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob,

and Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

But about the dead, that they rise, have ye not read in the book of Moses, how God spoke to him at the bush, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

And he will reign over the house of Jacob into the ages. And of his kingdom there will be no end.

the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor,

There will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth, when ye will see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you being thrust out.

But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the Bush when he calls Lord, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

So he comes to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the place that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

And Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore being wearied from the journey, thus was sitting on the well. It was about the sixth hour.

Are thou greater than our father Jacob who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his livestock?

The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Boy Jesus, whom ye actually delivered up and denied him in the presence of Pilate who preferred to release that man.

And he gave him the covenant of circumcision. And so he begot Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day. And Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs.

But when Jacob heard of grain being in Egypt, he sent forth our fathers the first time.

And Joseph having sent forth, he summoned Jacob his father. And all his kinfolk, in souls, were seventy-five.

And Jacob went down into Egypt, and he perished, he and our fathers.

I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. But Moses, who developed trembling, dared not examine.

who found favor in the sight of God. And he asked to find a habitation for the God of Jacob.

By faith he lived alien in the land of promise as a foreigner, having dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the fellow heirs of the same promise.