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And there were two evildoers led with him to be slain.

Before these days rose up one Theudas boasting himself, to whom resorted a number of men, about a four hundred, which was slain, and they all which believed him were scattered abroad, and brought to nought.

The tenor of the scripture which he read was this, "He was led as a sheep to be slain: And like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth.

And they came to the chief priest and elders, and said, "We have bound ourselves with a vow, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul.

Howbeit, they waited when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly. But after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

As it is written, "For thy sake are we killed all day long, and are counted as sheep appointed to be slain."

were stoned, were hewn asunder, were tempted, were slain with swords, walked up and down in sheep skins, in goat skins, in need, tribulation, and vexation,

I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is, and thou keepest my name and hast not denied my faith. And in my days Antipas was a faithful witness of mine, which was slain among you where Satan dwelleth.

And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain names of men seven thousand. And the remnant were afeared, and gave glory to God of heaven.

and in her was found the blood of the prophets, and of the saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."

and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth, and all the fowls were fulfilled with their flesh.