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Now as Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brethren, Simon, called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting their net into the sea: for they were fishermen.

Verse ConceptsFishesNetsFishermenWalkingTwo DisciplesChrist SeeingFishingLearning From JesusFishBuilding Relationshipslakes

Jesus having left that place, drew nigh to the sea of Galilee, and went up a mountain, where he sat down.

Verse ConceptsRetirementSitting To TeachMoving Onlakes

As Jesus was going to the district of Cesarea-Philippi, he asked his disciples, what do people say of me? that I am a common man?

Verse ConceptsJesus As Son Of ManChrist EnquiringWho Is Jesus?Ministry Of The Son Of Man

the same happen'd to the second, and the third, and so on to the seventh.

Verse ConceptsSeven ChildrenSecond BeingThird Person

Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew his brother, casting their net into the sea:

Verse ConceptsFishermenCall To ServiceFishing

Jesus then quitting the confines of Tyre and Sidon, and passing to the confines of Decapolis, came back to the sea of Gallilee.

At length Jesus passed over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias;

Verse ConceptsSeaCrossing To The Other SideRelationships And Datinglakes

they therefore question'd the blind man again, what do you say of the man that made you see? he is a prophet, said he.

Verse ConceptsJesus The Prophet

whether he be so or not, said he, I don't know: one thing I very well know, that once I was blind, and now I see.

Verse ConceptsExperience, of GodWitnessing, Importance OfExperimental KnowledgeSelf KnowledgeNot Knowing About ChristBlindness

after having travers'd the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we arriv'd at Myra, a city of Lycia.

Verse ConceptsProvincessailing

but it is the Jew, who is so inwardly, and it is the circumcision of the heart, according to the spiritual, not the literal sense, which have the approbation, I do not say of men, but of God.

Verse ConceptsChanged HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedPaul, Teaching OfTypesWorthinessRenewed HeartNew Birth, Described AsThe Holy Spirit, And RegenerationThe Holy Spirit, And ScriptureThe Inward BeingPeople Commended By GodJews

gravity; let your doctrine be sound and inoffensive, that your opponents may be ashamed, and have nothing that is ill to say of us.

Verse ConceptsSpeechcriticism

Before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and towards the throne, and round about the throne were four ANIMALS full of eyes before and behind.

Verse ConceptsCrystalsMineralsSeaCherubim, At God's ThroneFour CreaturesSea Of GlassTransparencyEyes In ProphecyIn FrontFront And BackExpanse Of The SeaThe OceanThe Sea

and I saw as it were a sea of glass, mingled with fire; and those that had been victorious over the beast, and over his image, and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, with their divine harps in their hands.

Verse ConceptsGlassequipping, physicaldefeatSeaPromised VictoryBeastsSea Of GlassGod Appearing In FireHarpsTransparencyOvercoming Through Christ

and I heard another from the altar say, "oh! Lord God almighty, true and just are thy judgments."

Verse ConceptsTruthLordship, Human And DivineAltars, In HeavenThe Almighty