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And the talk about him spread into every locality in the surrounding country.

He did so; and his hand was restored. But they were filled with fury, and they began to talk over together what they could do to Jesus.

But come to you I will, and that soon, if it please the Lord, and then I shall learn not the talk of these boasters, but their power.

But now you also must renounce them all. Anger, passion, and ill-will must be put away; slander, too, and foul talk, so that they may never soil your lips.

Although they desire to be teachers of the law, they understand neither the words they use nor the subjects they talk about.

I have many things to write to you, but I would not write them with paper and ink. I hope to come to you and to talk with you face to face, so that your joy may be full.

I am hoping soon to see you, and then we shall talk face to face. Peace be to you! The friends send their salutation. Salute the friends by name.