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just as a man when he leaves home to go on a journey, and puts his slaves in charge, each with his duties, gives orders to the watchman to keep watch.

And nobody puts new wine into old wine-skins, or if he does, the new wine will burst the skins and run out, and the skins will be spoiled.

"Nobody lights a lamp and then covers it with a dish or puts it under a bed, but he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.

No one lights a lamp and puts it in the cellar or under a peck measure; he puts it on its stand, so that people who come in can see the light.

And when this mortal nature puts on immortality, then what the Scripture says will come true??Death has been triumphantly destroyed.

Thank God, he puts the same devotion to you that I feel into Titus' heart,

For you put up with it if a man makes you his slaves, or lives on you, or takes you in, or puts on airs, or gives you a slap in the face.