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So the king called the Gibeonites and spoke to them. Now the Gibeonites [were] not from the {Israelites}; they [were] from the remainder of the Amorites. Now the {Israelites} had sworn to them, but Saul tried to wipe them out in his zeal for the {Israelites} and Judah.

Elisha said, "Hear the word of Yahweh: 'Thus says Yahweh, "At this time tomorrow a seah of wheat bread flour [will sell] for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria.'"

Then he said, "Come with me! Look at my zeal for Yahweh!" So he let him ride in his chariot.

because the zeal for your house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those reproaching you have fallen on me.

And in your loyal love destroy my enemies, and exterminate all [the] adversaries of my soul, for I [am] your servant.

The look on their faces testifies against them and they declare their sin like Sodom; they do not hide [it]. Woe to their soul! For they have dealt out evil to themselves.

but he will say, "I [am] not a prophet; I am a tiller of the soil, for a man has acquired me since my youth."

and stayed three months. [Because] a plot was made against him by the Jews [as he] was about to set sail for Syria, he came to a decision to return through Macedonia.

For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.

and not only by his coming, but also by the comfort [with] which he was comforted among you, [because he] reported to us your longing, your mourning, your zeal for me, so that I rejoiced even more.