Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Now, concerning the things whereof ye wrote, it were, good, for a man, not to touch, a woman; But, on account of fornications, let, each man, have, his own wife, and, each woman, have, her own husband: Unto the wife, let the husband render what is her due, and, in like manner, the wife also, unto the husband, - read more.
The wife, over her own body, hath not authority, but the husband, and, in like manner, the husband also, over his own body, hath not authority, but the wife. Be not depriving one another - unless perhaps by consent for a season, that ye may have leisure for prayer, and, again, may be together, - lest Satan be tempting you by reason of your want of self-control.

For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, - read more.
Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, - even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness.

And, after these things, the Lord appointed seventy two others, and sent them forth, two and two before his face, into every city and place whither, he himself, was about to come. And he was saying unto them - The harvest, indeed, is, great, but, the labourers, few; beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth, labourers, into his harvest. Withdraw! Lo! I send you forth as lambs amid wolves. read more.
Be not carrying purse, or satchel, or sandals, and, no one along the road, salute ye; And, into whatsoever house ye enter, First, say, Peace to this house! And, if the son of peace be, there, your peace, shall rest upon it; but, otherwise, at least, unto you, shall it return. And, in the self-same house, abide ye, eating and drinking such things as they have; for, worthy, is the labourer, of his hire: be not removing from house to house. And, into whatsoever city ye shall enter, and they bid you welcome, be eating such things as are set before you; And be curing the sick that are, therein, and be saying unto them - The kingdom of God hath drawn nigh upon you. But, into whatsoever city ye shall enter, and they do not welcome you, going forth into the broadways thereof, say ye: Even the dust that cleaveth unto us, out of your city, unto our feet, do we wipe off against you; nevertheless, of this, be taking notice - The kingdom of God hath drawn near. I tell you, for them of Sodom, in that day, more tolerable, will it be, than for that city. Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! Because, if, in Tyre and Zidon, had been done the works of power which have been down in you, of old, in sackcloth and ashes sitting, they would have repented. Moreover, for Tyre and Zidon, more tolerable, will it be, in the judgment, than, for you. And, thou, Capernaum, - Unto heaven, shalt thou be uplifted? -- Unto hades, thou shalt be brought down! He that hearkeneth unto you, unto me, doth hearken, and, he that setteth you aside, doth set, me, aside; and, he that setteth, me, aside, doth set aside, him that sent me.

He that walketh in his uprightness, is one who revereth Yahweh, but, he that is crooked in his way, is one who despiseth him. Verse ConceptsUprightnessDeviousnessTwisted WaysThe Fear Of The Lord

For ye know what charges we gave you, through the Lord Jesus. For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: read more.
Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, - Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, - even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness. For God did not call us, with a permission of impurity, but, in sanctification. Therefore, indeed, he that disregardeth - it is, not a man, he disregardeth, but God, - Who giveth his Holy Spirit unto you.

For ye know what charges we gave you, through the Lord Jesus. For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: read more.
Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, - Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, - even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness. For God did not call us, with a permission of impurity, but, in sanctification. Therefore, indeed, he that disregardeth - it is, not a man, he disregardeth, but God, - Who giveth his Holy Spirit unto you.

One who guardeth the commandment, guardeth his life, he that is reckless in his ways, shall die. Verse ConceptsGuardsNeglecting DutiesGod KillingGod KillsResults Of Keeping The Commandments

And, some from among them, were persuaded, and cast in their lot with Paul and Silas; also, of the devout Greeks, a great throng, and, of the chief women, not a few. Verse ConceptsDevout MenGreeksReverence, And ObedienceConverts To ChristianityProselytesJoined To The ChurchThose Who Believed In Christ

This, therefore, am I saying and protesting in the Lord: - that, no longer, ye walk even as, the nations, walk - in the vanity of their minds, Being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God - by reason of the ignorance that existeth within them, by reason of their hearts being turned into stone, Who, indeed, having become past feeling, have delivered, themselves, up, with wantonness, unto making a trade of all impurity with greed.

Do not then be anxious saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be arrayed? For, all these things, the nations, seek after, - for your heavenly Father, knoweth, that ye are needing, all these things.

On the contrary - that, the things which the nations sacrifice, unto demons, and not unto God, they sacrifice; and I wish not that ye should become, sharers together with the demons! Verse ConceptsAstrologyFalse ReligionPagansNations DescribedSacrificesDemonsSacrificeHalloweenpartnershipstatuesDemonic Influence

Thus, saith Yahweh - Unto the way of the nations, become not ye accustomed, Nor at the signs of the heavens, be ye dismayed, - Because the nations are dismayed at them. For as for the prescribed customs of the peoples, vanity, they are, - For a tree out of the forest, one cutteth down, Work for the hands of a skilled workman with the axe:

And, being at prayer, use not vain repetitions, just like the nations, - for they think, that, in their much speaking, they shall be hoard; do not, therefore, make yourselves like them, for Godyour Father knoweth of what things ye have, need, before ye ask him.

Who in the bygone generations suffered all the nations to be going on in their own ways, - Verse ConceptsGod's WaysLife, Of FaithGod Acting Of OldLeaving People AloneThe Pastpast

But, while, in Athens, Paul was expecting them, his spirit within him was being urged on, seeing how the city was given to idols. So then, he began reasoning in the synagogue with the Jews, and with them who worshipped; and, in the market-place, every day, with them who happened to be at hand.

And Paul taking his stand in the midst of the Hill of Mars, said - Ye men of Athens! In every way, how unusually reverent of the demons ye are, I perceive. For, passing through, and carefully observing your objects of devotion, I found an altar also, in which was inscribed - Unto an Unknown God. What, therefore, not knowing, ye reverence, the same, do, I, declare unto you. The God that made the world and all things that are therein, the same, being, Lord, of heaven and earth, not in hand-made shrines, doth dwell, read more.
nor, by human hands, is waited upon, as though in want of anything, himself, giving unto all life and breath and all things; he made also, of one, every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, - marking out fitting opportunities, and the bounds of their dwelling place, that they might be seeking God - if, after all, indeed, they might feel after him and find him, - although, in truth, he is already not far from any one of us.

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For there is being revealed an anger of God from heaven - against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who, the truth, in unrighteousness, do hold down; - Inasmuch as, what may be known of God, is manifest among them, for, God, unto them, hath made it manifest, - For, the unseen things of him, from a world's creation, by the things made, being perceived, are clearly seen, even his eternal power and divinity, - to the end they should be without excuse; read more.
Inasmuch as, having come to know God, not, as God, did they glorify him, or give him thanks, but were made fruitless in their reasonings, and darkened was their undiscerning heart, Professing to be wise, they were made foolish, And, exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God, for the likeness of an image of a corruptible man, and of birds and fourfooted beasts and reptiles: Wherefore God gave them up in the covetings of their hearts unto impurity, so as to be dishonouring their bodies among them, - Who, indeed, exchanged away the truth of God for the falsehood, and rendered worship and service unto the creature rather than unto the Creator, - who is blessed unto the ages. Amen! For this cause, God gave them up unto dishonourable passions; for, even their females, exchanged away the natural use into that which is against nature, - In like manner also, even the males, leaving the natural use of the female, flamed out in their eager desire one for another, males with males, the indecency, effecting, - and, the necessary recompence of their error, within themselves, duly receiving; - And, even as they did not approve to be holding, God, in acknowledgment, God gave them up unto a disapproved mind to be doing the things that are not becoming, Filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, baseness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil disposition, Whisperers, detractors, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, vain boasters, inventors of vices, unto parents unyielding, Without discernment, regardless of covenants, without natural affection, unmerciful: - Who, indeed, having acknowledged the righteous sentence of God, - that, they who such things as these do practise, are worthy of death, not only, the same things, are doing, but are even delighting together with them who are practising them .

Wherefore, inexcusable, thou art, O man, whoever judgest; for, wherein thou judgest some one else, thyself, thou dost condemn, - for, the very things, thou dost practise, who art judging: We know, however, that, the sentence of God, is according to truth against them who, such things as these, do practise. And reckonest thou this, O man - who dost judge them who such things do practise, and yet art doing the same, that, thou, shalt escape the sentence of God? read more.
Or, the riches of his kindness, and forbearance, and long-suffering, dost thou despise, - not knowing that, the kindness of God, unto repentance, is leading thee? But, according to thy hardness, and thine impenitent heart, art treasuring up for thyself anger, in a day of anger and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, - Who will render unto each one according to his works: - Unto them, on the one hand, who, by way of endurance in good work, are seeking, glory, honour and incorruption, life age-abiding, Unto them, on the other hand, who are of contention, and are not yielding unto the truth, but are yielding unto unrighteousness, anger and wrath, tribulation and anguish - against every soul of man who worketh out what is base, both of Jew first and of Greek, - But glory and honour and peace - unto every one who worketh what is good, both unto Jew first and unto Greek: For there is no respect of persons with God; - For, as many as without law sinned, without law, also shall perish, and, as many as within law sinned, through law, shall be judged; For, not the hearers of law, are righteous with God, but, the doers of law, shall be declared righteous; For, whensoever the nations which have not law, by nature, the things of the law, may be doing, the same, not having law, unto themselves, are a law, - Who, indeed, shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience therewith bearing witness, and, between one another, their reasonings accusing - or, even excusing, them: -

Ye know that, when ye were of the nations, unto the dumb idols, howsoever ye were being led, ye were seduced. Verse ConceptsDumbnessMutenessPagansPolytheismCarrying IdolsDumbdiscriminationstatuesHinduism

We, by nature Jews, and not sinners from among the nations, Verse ConceptsSinnersWhat Foreigners Are LikeJews

For, of the secret things which are brought to pass by them, it is, shameful, even to speak! Verse ConceptsNations DescribedSecret SinsActing In SecretCurbing SpeechShame Of Bad Conductspeakingdisobedience

For, sufficient, is the bygone time - to have wrought out, the will of the nations, having gone on in wanton ways, covetings, wine-drinkings, revellings, drinking-bouts, and impious idolatries: - Wherein they are taken by surprise that ye run not with them into the same overflow of riotous excess, - uttering defamation:

For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour:

A man shall not take his father's wife, - neither shall he turn aside his father's coverlet. Verse ConceptsMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningSexual Sin, Nature OfMarriage ControlledMarriage Between Man And Woman

No person whatsoever, unto any of the near kin of his own flesh, shall approach to uncover the parts of shame, - I, am Yahweh. The shame of thy father, even the shame of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover, - thy mother, she is, thou shalt not uncover her shame. The shame of thy father's wife, shalt thou not uncover, - thy father's shame, it is. read more.
The shame of thy sister daughter of thy father or daughter of thy mother, born at home or horn abroad, thou shalt not uncover their shame. The shame of the daughter of thy son or the daughter of thy daughter, thou shalt not uncover their shame, - for, thine own shame, they are. The shame of the daughter of thy father's wife, born to thy father, she being, thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her shame. The shame of thy father's sister, shalt thou not uncover, - thy father's near of kin, she is. The shame of thy mother's sister, shalt thou not uncover, - for, thy mother's near of kin, she is. The shame of thy father's brother, shalt thou not uncover unto his wife, shalt thou not approach, thine aunt, she is. The shame of thy daughter-in-law, shalt thou not uncover, - thy son's wife, she is, thou shalt not uncover her shame. The shame of thy brother's wife, shalt thou not uncover, - the shame of thy brother, it is. The shame of a woman, and of her daughter, shalt thou not uncover, - neither the daughter of her son nor the laughter of her daughter, shalt thou take, to uncover her shame, near of kin, they are, wickedness, it is. And, a woman unto her sister, shalt thou not take, - to cause rivalry, by uncovering her shame besides her own while she is living. And unto a woman during her removal for uncleanness, shalt thou not approach, to uncover her shame. And of the wife of thy neighbour, shalt thou not have carnal knowledge, - to commit uncleanness with her.

And the shame of thy mother's sister, or of thy father's sister, shalt thou not uncover, - for his near of kin, hath he exposed - their iniquity, shall they bear. Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltForbidden Sexual RelationshipsNakedness Uncovered

There shall be no female devotee of the daughters of Israel, - neither shall there be, a male devotee, of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the wages of an unchaste woman, or the hire of a dog, into the house of Yahweh thy God for any vow, - for, an abomination unto Yahweh thy God, are they both.

Neither let us commit fornication, as, some of them, committed fornication, and there fell, in one day, three and twenty thousand; Verse ConceptsChastityLove, In RelationshipsSexual AberrationsSelf IndulgenceSexual Sin, Nature OfTwenty Thousand And UpOne DayAvoid ImmoralitySexual Immorality

For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, -

Good and upright, is Yahweh, For this cause, will he direct sinners into the way. May he guide patient wronged-ones to be righted, and teach such oppressed-ones his way.

For ye know what charges we gave you, through the Lord Jesus. For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: read more.
Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, - Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, - even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness. For God did not call us, with a permission of impurity, but, in sanctification. Therefore, indeed, he that disregardeth - it is, not a man, he disregardeth, but God, - Who giveth his Holy Spirit unto you. But, concerning brotherly love - no need, have ye, that we be writing unto you; for, ye yourselves, are, God-taught, to the loving of one another; -

As, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, having in like manner to these given themselves over to fornication, and gone away after other kind of flesh, lie exposed as an example, a penalty of age-abiding fire, undergoing. Verse ConceptsDeath, Of UnbelieversBestialityCivilizationHomosexualityEternal JudgementTwo CitiesSexual Immorality Brings PunishmentgayssexSexual ImmoralityBeing Gay

For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, - read more.
Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, - even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness.

A GOD jealous and avenging, is Yahweh, an avenger, is Yahweh, and a lord of wrath, an avenger, is Yahweh towards his adversaries, and, a retainer of anger , is he to his foes. Verse ConceptsGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Zeal OfJealousyRetributionEnemies Of GodGod Executes Vengeanceadvertising

And, unto you that are afflicted, release, with us, - by the revealing of the Lord Jesus from heaven, with his messengers of power, In a fiery flame; holding forth vengeance - against them that refuse to know God, and them who decline to hearken unto the glad-message of our Lord Jesus, Who, indeed, a penalty, shall pay - age-abiding destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his might -

For Yahweh will vindicate his people, And upon his servants, will have compassion, - When he seeth that strength is exhausted, And there is no one shut up or at large, Then will he say, Where are their gods, The rock in whom they have trusted; Who used to eat the fat of their sacrifices, To drink the wine of their libations? Let them rise up and help you, Let them be over you for a coveting! read more.
See, now, that, I, I, am, he that is, And there are no gods with me, - I, kill - and make alive, I wound and, I, heal, And there is none who, from my hand, can deliver, For I lift up unto the heavens my hand, - And say, Living am, I, unto times age-abiding: If I whet my flashing sword, And my hand take bold on justice, I will return vengeance unto mine adversaries, And them who hate me, will I requite: I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, And, my sword, shall devour flesh, - With the blood of the slain and the captive, With the flesh of the chief leader of the foe. Shout for joy O ye nations with his people, For the blood of his servants, he avengeth, - And, vengeance, he returneth unto his adversaries, And is propitious unto the soil of his people.

After these things, I heard as it were, a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying - Hallelujah! The salvation and the glory and the power of our God! Because, true and righteous, are his judgments; because he hath judged the great harlot, who, indeed, corrupted the earth with her lewdness, - and hath avenged the blood of his servants, at her hand.

For there have been found among my people lawless men, - One lieth in wait, as with the stooping of fowlers, They have set a trap, they capture men: As, a cage, is full of birds, So, are, their houses, full of unrighteous gain, - For this cause, have they become great and waxen rich: They have waxed fat, they shine Yea they have overpassed the records of wickedness. The right, have they not determined, the right of the fatherless that they might prosper, - Yea justice to the helpless, have they not decreed. read more.
Upon these things, shall I not bring punishment? Demandeth Yahweh. Or, on a nation such as this, shall not my soul avenge herself?

Jesus said unto them - I, am the bread of life: he that cometh unto me, in nowise shall hunger, and, he that believeth on me, in nowise shall thirst, any more. But I told you - Ye have even seen me, and yet do not believe. All that which the Father is giving me, unto me, will have come, and, him that cometh unto me, in nowise will I cast out, - read more.
Because I have come down from heaven, - Not that I should be doing my own will, but the will of him that sent me. And, this, is the will of him that sent me, That, of all that which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. For, this, is the will of my Father, That, every one that vieweth the Son, and believeth on him, should have life age-abiding, and, I, should raise him up, at the last day.

Submit yourselves unto every human creation, for the Lord's sake, - whether unto a king, as one that protecteth, Or unto governors, as, through him, sent - for vengeance on evil-doers, but praise to such as do good; Because, so, is the will of God, - by doing good, to be putting to silence, the ignorance of heedless men:

For ye know what charges we gave you, through the Lord Jesus. For, this, is a thing willed of God, your sanctification, - that ye should abstain from unchastity, That ye should know, each one of you, how, of his own vessel, to possess himself in sanctification and honour: read more.
Not with a passion of coveting, - just as even the nations who know not God, - Not over-reaching and defrauding, in the matter, his brother; because, an avenger, is the Lord, concerning all these things, - even as we before told you, and solemnly called you to witness. For God did not call us, with a permission of impurity, but, in sanctification.

But we exhort you, brethren - admonish the disorderly, soothe them of little soul, help the weak, be longsuffering towards all: See that none, evil for evil, unto any, do render: but, evermore, what is good, be pursuing, towards one another, and towards all: Evermore, rejoice, read more.
Unceasingly, pray, In everything, give thanks, - for, this, is a thing willed of God, in Christ Jesus, towards you: