Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Drought » Figurative
Day and night your hand lay heavily on me. My strength drained in the summer heat.
Verse Concepts
I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground. I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring. I will give blessing to your descendants.
Verse Concepts
God » Hand of » Upon men for chastisement and punishment
He said to her: You are talking like a godless fool. We accept the good that God gives us. Should we not also accept the bad? Through all this Job did not speak sinful words.
Verse Concepts
Jehovah dealt harshly with the people of Ashdod. He destroyed them by striking the people in the vicinity of Ashdod with tumors.
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Look Jehovah's hand is on you. You will be blind and not see the sun for a season. Immediately there fell on him a mist and darkness. He went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.
Verse Concepts
Day and night your hand lay heavily on me. My strength drained in the summer heat.
Verse Concepts
The Egyptians will know that I am Jehovah when I use my power against Egypt and bring the sons of Israel out of there.
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Jehovah kept getting rid of them until finally none of them were left.
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would you wait for them to grow up? Would this keep you from marrying someone else? No, my daughters, you know that is not possible. Jehovah has turned against me. I feel sorry for you.
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Have pity on me, my friends! Have pity on me because God's hand has struck me down.
Verse Concepts
Soul » Distress
I am very discouraged. That is why I will remember you in the land of Jordan, on the peaks of Hermon, on Mount Mizar.
Verse Concepts
Day and night your hand lay heavily on me. My strength drained in the summer heat.
Verse Concepts
He went for three days without sight. He did not eat or drink.
Verse Concepts
I weep because of grief; strengthen me according to your word (as you promised).
Verse Concepts
Summer » Characterized by » Excessive drought
Day and night your hand lay heavily on me. My strength drained in the summer heat.
Verse Concepts
Summer » Drought of
Day and night your hand lay heavily on me. My strength drained in the summer heat.
Verse Concepts