Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
false Confidence » In outward resources
at this expression the disciples were much surpriz'd. but Jesus reassum'd the discourse, and said, how difficult a thing is it for those, who place their trust in riches, to enter into the divine kingdom?
Verse Concepts
Holy spirit » General work
for Jesus Christ himself has already suffer'd for our sins, the innocent for the guilty, to bring us to God: who, tho' he died with respect to his body, was rais'd to life by that spirit,
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but when the advocate is come, whom I will send to you from the father, even the spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the father, he shall testify of me.
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the spirit and the bride say, come. let him that heareth, say, come. let him that is a-thirst, come: and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
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who also hath enabled me to be a minister of the new covenant, not of the literal sense, but of the spiritual meaning: it is the letter that denounces death, but the spirit gives life.
Verse Concepts
but if I exorcize devils by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is set up among you.
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and when he is come, he will convince the world of sin, of justice, of judgment:
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from the prophet's OWN MOTION; but the holy men of God spoke by the IMPULSE of the holy spirit.
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The spirit likewise softens our afflictions: for being at a loss to apply for the most proper relief; the spirit it self affects us with those pious ejaculations, which we can't well express.
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for if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you; he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall likewise restore your mortal bodies to life, by his spirit that dwelleth in you.
Verse Concepts
Holy spirit » Power of » Mightier than physical forces
Olive » Symbolical
these are the two olive-trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the Lord of the earth.
Verse Concepts
Power » Spiritual, general references to » Mightier than physical forces
Power » Of the holy spirit » Exemplified in » Overcoming all difficulties
Power, Of The Holy Spirit » Exhibited in » Overcoming all difficulties
Spirit » The leadership of holy spirit » General work
for Jesus Christ himself has already suffer'd for our sins, the innocent for the guilty, to bring us to God: who, tho' he died with respect to his body, was rais'd to life by that spirit,
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but when the advocate is come, whom I will send to you from the father, even the spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the father, he shall testify of me.
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the spirit and the bride say, come. let him that heareth, say, come. let him that is a-thirst, come: and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
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who also hath enabled me to be a minister of the new covenant, not of the literal sense, but of the spiritual meaning: it is the letter that denounces death, but the spirit gives life.
Verse Concepts
but if I exorcize devils by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is set up among you.
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and when he is come, he will convince the world of sin, of justice, of judgment:
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from the prophet's OWN MOTION; but the holy men of God spoke by the IMPULSE of the holy spirit.
Verse Concepts
The spirit likewise softens our afflictions: for being at a loss to apply for the most proper relief; the spirit it self affects us with those pious ejaculations, which we can't well express.
Verse Concepts
for if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you; he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall likewise restore your mortal bodies to life, by his spirit that dwelleth in you.
Verse Concepts