10 Bible Verses about Fighting
Most Relevant Verses
I therefore so run, not as one that is distanc'd: I fight, but not with the air.
besides, my engaging with those monsters, as I may say, at Ephesus, what advantage was it to me? if the dead don't rise, "let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die."
exert yourself in the glorious cause of faith, and secure the prize of eternal life, to which you were called, when you made that excellent profession of faith before so many witnesses.
you breathe slaughter and revenge for what you cannot obtain. you quarrel and go to war, but without success, because you don't petition for it: and if you did,
Then there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; on the other side fought the dragon with his angels: but these were defeated,
Topics on Fighting
Fighting Enemies
2 Corinthians 7:5for when I came to Macedonia, I had no respit from the trouble that beset me on every side: oppositions from without, and apprehensions within.
Fighting One Another
Acts 7:26the next day seeing some that were fighting, he would have persuaded them to agree, saying, sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye injure one another?
Stopping Fighting
Luke 22:51but Jesus oppos'd, and said, forbear, stop there. and having touch'd his ear, he healed him.
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