49 Bible Verses about Finishing Strong

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 8:11

and now also finish doing it, that even as there is the readiness of the will, so also the finishing, out of that which ye have,

1 Chronicles 28:20

And David saith to Solomon his son, 'Be strong, and courageous, and do; do not fear nor be affrighted, for Jehovah God, my God, is with thee; He doth not fail thee, nor forsake thee, unto the completion of all the work of the service of the house of Jehovah.

Luke 14:29

lest that he having laid a foundation, and not being able to finish, all who are beholding may begin to mock him,

Zechariah 8:9

Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Let your hands be strong, Ye who are hearing in these days these words from the mouth of the prophets, That in the day the house of Jehovah of Hosts Hath been founded, the temple is to be built.

Revelation 10:7

but in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he may be about to sound, and the secret of God may be finished, as He did declare to His own servants, to the prophets.

Luke 14:28

'For who of you, willing to build a tower, doth not first, having sat down, count the expence, whether he have the things for completing?

2 Corinthians 8:6

so that we exhorted Titus, that, according as he did begin before, so also he may finish to you also this favour,

Nehemiah 6:9

for all of them are making us afraid, saying, 'Their hands are too feeble for the work, and it is not done;' and now, strengthen Thou my hands.

Hebrews 4:3

for we do enter into the rest -- we who did believe, as He said, 'So I sware in My anger, If they shall enter into My rest -- ;' and yet the works were done from the foundation of the world,

Ruth 3:18

And she saith, 'Sit still, my daughter, till thou dost know how the matter falleth, for the man doth not rest except he hath completed the matter to-day.'

Genesis 17:22

and He finisheth speaking with him, and God goeth up from Abraham.

Luke 11:1

And it came to pass, in his being in a certain place praying, as he ceased, a certain one of his disciples said unto him, 'Sir, teach us to pray, as also John taught his disciples.'

Psalm 90:9

For all our days pined away in Thy wrath, We consumed our years as a meditation.

Matthew 7:28

And it came to pass, when Jesus ended these words, the multitudes were astonished at his teaching,

Ezra 5:16

Then hath this Sheshbazzar come -- he hath laid the foundations of the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and from thence even till now it hath been building, and is not finished.

Romans 9:28

for a matter He is finishing, and is cutting short in righteousness, because a matter cut short will the Lord do upon the land.

Genesis 2:2

and God completeth by the seventh day His work which He hath made, and ceaseth by the seventh day from all His work which He hath made.

Deuteronomy 31:24

And it cometh to pass, when Moses finisheth to write the words of this law on a book till their completion,

Matthew 11:1

And it came to pass, when Jesus ended directing his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities.

Exodus 39:32

And all the service of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting is completed; and the sons of Israel do according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses; so they have done.

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