50 Bible Verses about Not Being Alone
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And Jehovah God saith, 'Not good for the man to be alone, I do make to him an helper -- as his counterpart.'
My little children, may we not love in word nor in tongue, but in word and in truth!
this first knowing, that no prophecy of the Writing doth come of private exposition,
For thus said Jehovah, Creator of heaven, He is God, Former of earth, and its Maker, He established it -- not empty He prepared it, For inhabiting He formed it: 'I am Jehovah, and there is none else.
if in this life we have hope in Christ only, of all men we are most to be pitied.
And I say to the unmarried and to the widows: it is good for them if they may remain even as I am;
and He who sent me is with me; the Father did not leave me alone, because I, the things pleasing to Him, do always.'
and not holding the head, from which all the body -- through the joints and bands gathering supply, and being knit together -- may increase with the increase of God.
one is the lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; thou -- who art thou that dost judge the other?
And they know that Thou -- (Thy name is Jehovah -- by Thyself,) Art the Most High over all the earth!
Because there is none like Thee, O Jehovah, Great art Thou, and great Thy name in might.
for by grace ye are having been saved, through faith, and this not of you -- of God the gift,
having known also that a man is not declared righteous by works of law, if not through the faith of Jesus Christ, also we in Christ Jesus did believe, that we might be declared righteous by the faith of Christ, and not by works of law, wherefore declared righteous by works of law shall be no flesh.'
and fulfilled was the Writing that is saying, 'And Abraham did believe God, and it was reckoned to him -- to righteousness;' and, 'Friend of God' he was called.
But he answering said, 'It hath been written, Not upon bread alone doth man live, but upon every word coming forth from the mouth of God.'
For if they fall, the one raiseth up his companion, but woe to the one who falleth and there is not a second to raise him up!
how are ye able -- ye -- to believe, glory from one another receiving, and the glory that is from God alone ye seek not?
to those without law, as without law -- (not being without law to God, but within law to Christ) -- that I might gain those without law;
for a man also was not created because of the woman, but a woman because of the man;
that your faith may not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
and now it hath come, that ye may be scattered, each to his own things, and me ye may leave alone, and I am not alone, because the Father is with me;
And Jesus answering him said, 'Get thee behind me, Adversary, for it hath been written, Thou shalt bow before the Lord thy God, and Him only thou shalt serve.'
And they have wandered from sea unto sea, And from north even unto east, They go to and fro to seek the word of Jehovah, And they do not find.
But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.
not having my righteousness, which is of law, but that which is through faith of Christ -- the righteousness that is of God by the faith,
Know that Jehovah He is God, He made us, and we are His, His people -- and the flock of His pasture.
Is not this the word which we spake unto thee in Egypt, saying, Cease from us, and we serve the Egyptians; for better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in a wilderness?'
'And I speak unto you at that time, saying, I am not able by myself to bear you;
but as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the good news, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God, who is proving our hearts,
And Elijah saith unto the people, 'I -- I have been left a prophet of Jehovah -- by myself; and the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men;
Better to dwell in a wilderness land, Than with a woman of contentions and anger.
'And he answering saith to him, Sir, suffer it also this year, till that I may dig about it, and cast in dung;
I am not able -- I alone -- to bear all this people, for it is too heavy for me;
and an eye is not able to say to the hand, 'I have no need of thee;' nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.'
nor may ye be called directors, for one is your director -- the Christ.
And it was not written on his account alone, that it was reckoned to him,
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