'Fear' in the Bible
See, Yahweh your God has set before you the land; go up and possess [it] as Yahweh the God of your ancestors said to you; do not fear and do not be dismayed.'
"And so I said to you, 'Do not be terrified, and do not fear them.
This day I will begin to place {the dread of you} and the fear of you {before} the peoples under all the heavens. [They] will hear {the report about you}, and [so] they will shake and tremble {because of you}.'
And Yahweh said to me, 'You should not fear him, for I have given him and all [of] his army and his land into your hand. And [so] you will do to him as you did to Sihon the king of the Amorites, who [was] reigning in Heshbon.'
You shall not fear them, for Yahweh your God is the [one] fighting for you.
[Remember] the day that you stood {before} Yahweh your God at Horeb {when Yahweh said to me}, 'Summon for me the people so that I can tell them my words, that they may learn to fear me all [of] the days they [are] alive on the earth and so [that] they may teach their children.'
{If only} {they had such a mind}'; [that is], to fear me and to keep all my commandments {at all times}, so that {it will go well} for them and for their children {forever}.
"You shall fear Yahweh your God, and you shall serve him, and by his name you shall swear.
the great trials that your eyes saw and the signs and the wonders and the [workings of] the strong hand and the outstretched arm [by] which Yahweh your God brought you out; so Yahweh your God will do to all [of] the peoples {because of whom} you [are] in fear {before them}.
No one can take a stand {against you}; your dread and your fear Yahweh your God will put on the {surface} of all the land {where you tread}, [just] as he {promised} to you.
And all [of] Israel shall hear, and they shall fear, and {they shall not continue to act} according to this evil thing in your midst.
[Whenever] what the prophet spoke in the name of Yahweh, the thing does not take place and [does] not come [about], that [is] the thing that Yahweh has not spoken to him. Presumptuously the prophet spoke it; you shall not fear that prophet."
{And the rest} shall hear and shall fear, and {they shall not continue to do such a thing again} as this evil thing in your midst.
Then all the men of his city shall stone him with stones and let him die; and so you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all of Israel will hear, and they will fear.
that he met you on the journey and attacked you, all those lagging behind you and [when] you were weary and worn out, and he did not fear God.
And all of the peoples of the earth shall see that {by the name of Yahweh you are called}, and {they shall fear you}.
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