694 occurrences

'Great' in the Bible

So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature [that] moves, [with] which the waters swarm, according to their kind, and every bird [with] wings according to its kind. And God saw that [it was] good.

Verse ConceptsAccording To Its KindSeaHeredityAnimals, Types OfWhalesWings Of BirdsLiving SoulsGod Seeing All The EarthMammalsKinds Of Living ThingsLiving ThingsPerfection Of CreationAnimals Having A SoulCreationThe OceanBirdsGod's CreationFishflyingbugs

In the six hundredth year of the life of Noah, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month--on that day all the springs of the great deep were split open, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodGeologyThe DelugeCalendarsSudden DestructionMonth 2The Act Of OpeningOpening HeavenWindows Of HeavenThe Sea Stirred UpFloods

Resen between Nineveh and Calah; that [is] the great city.

And it happened, as the sun {went down}, then a deep sleep fell upon Abram and, behold, a great terrifying darkness fell upon him.

Verse ConceptsNightSleep, PhysicalSunsetsOvertaken By DarknessThose Frightened Of GodEclipseSolar Eclipse

And also the nation that they serve I will judge. Then afterward they shall go out with great possessions.

Verse ConceptsLeaving Egyptpossessions

On that day Yahweh {made} a covenant with Abram saying, "To your offspring I will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates river,

Verse ConceptsAbrahamRivers And StreamsProsperity PromisedThe Promised LandAt The Same TimeGod's Covenant With The PatriarchsRiver EuphratesRiver TigrisAs Far As The EuphratesAbrahamic CovenantRiversDescendants of

And [as for] Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless him and I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him {exceedingly}. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Family And DescendantsThe Number TwelveAbraham, Testing And VictoryAnswered PrayerProsperity PromisedGod Multipling PeopleTwelve BeingsBlessed By GodGod Paid Attention To MeSons Being A Blessingfruitfulness

Then Yahweh said, "Because the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah [is] great and because their sin [is] very {serious},

Verse ConceptsUnhappinessOutcry

And the men who [were] at the entrance of the house they struck with blindness, both small and great, and they were unable to find the entrance.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesGod BlindingNot Finding

For we are [about to] destroy this place, because their cry has become great before Yahweh. Yahweh sent us to destroy it."

Verse ConceptsAngels as agents of judgmentSodom And GomorrahReprobatesGod Sending ProphetsOutcry

Behold, your servant has found favor in your eyes and {you have shown me great kindness} in saving my life. But I cannot flee to the mountains, lest the disaster overtake me and I die.

Verse ConceptsKindnessPeople's Inability To SaveEscaping To MountainsPossibility Of DeathGod Showed His LovingkindnessUnable To Save

And Abimelech called for Abraham and said to him, "What have you done to us? And how have I sinned against you that you brought upon me and upon my kingdom a great sin? You have done things to me that should not be done."

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?Kings SummoningWe Have SinnedWhat Sin?

And the child grew and was weaned. And Abraham made a great feast on the day Isaac was weaned.

Verse ConceptsFeastingBanquets, Events CelebratedWeaningGrowing Upsarah

Get up, take up the boy and take him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation."

Verse ConceptsTaking By The Hand

Now Yahweh has blessed my master exceedingly, and he has become great. He has given to him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male slaves and female slaves, and camels and donkeys.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialCowsGenerosity, God'sGoldSilverAbraham, In SocietyOwning LivestockGroups Of SlavesSupplied With MoneyBlessed By GodMultitudes Of DonkeysPossessing SheepWealthy People

When Esau heard the words of his father he cried out [with] a great and exceedingly bitter cry of distress. And he said to his father, "Bless me as well, my father!"

Verse ConceptsResentment, Against PeopleSelf PitySuffering, Emotional Aspects OfVoicesBeing BitterPeople BlessingBitterness

He has no greater [authority] in this house than me, and he has not withheld anything from me except you, since you [are] his wife. Now how could I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"

Verse ConceptsGodly Fear, Examples OfWhat Sin?

Behold, seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the whole land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsPlenty In Egypt

And Joseph piled up grain like the sand of the sea in great abundance until he stopped counting [it], for {it could not be counted}.

Verse ConceptsAn Innumerable NumberSandImpossible For PeoplePlenty In EgyptSand And Gravel

Then he said, "I [am] the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamI Am GodDo Not Fear For God Will Help

But his father refused and said, "I know, my son; I know. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great, but his younger brother shall be greater than him, and his offspring shall become a multitude of nations."

Verse ConceptsThe Youngest ChildPeople With General KnowledgeRules About Young People

And there also went up with him chariots and horsemen. The company [was] very great.

Verse ConceptsChariotsDealing With Many People

When they came to the threshing floor of Atad, which [was] beyond the Jordan, they lamented there with a very great and sorrowful wailing. And he made a mourning ceremony for his father seven days.

Verse ConceptsFuneralsBereavement, Experience OfLamentingSevenWeeksSeven DaysBeyond JordanMourning The Death Of Others

And Moses said, "Let me turn aside and see this great sight. Why does the bush not burn up?"

Verse ConceptsNot DestroyedSeeing Situations

Therefore say to the {Israelites}, 'I [am] Yahweh, and I will bring you out from under the {forced labor} of Egypt, and I will deliver you from their slavery, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great punishments.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfGod, As SaviorArmsGod, The LordRedemption, In Everyday LifeStrength, DivineArm Of GodCaptivesStrength Of GodRemoving BurdensI Am The LordGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptRedemptionGod's Interventionliberation

And Pharaoh will not listen to you, and I will put my hand into Egypt and bring out my divisions, my people, the {Israelites}, from the land of Egypt with great punishments.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandGod's Hands In OppositionEarthly ArmiesGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And Yahweh gave the people favor in the eyes of Egypt. Also the man Moses [was] very great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of the servants of Pharaoh and in the eyes of the people.

Verse ConceptsHuman Favour

And there will be a great cry of distress in all the land of Egypt, the like of which has not been nor will be again.

Verse ConceptsUnique Events

And all of these your servants will come down to me and bow to me, saying, 'Go out, you and all the people who [are] at your feet.' And afterward I will go out." And he went out from Pharaoh {in great anger}.

Verse ConceptsBowingAnger, HumanHeatAnger, Justified ExamplesAnger Of Man, CauseLeaving EgyptNamed People Angry With Others

And Pharaoh got up [at] night, he and all his servants and all Egypt, and a great cry of distress was in Egypt because there was not a house where there was no one dead.

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfDeath Is UniversalPeople Getting Up

Then the chiefs of Edom were horrified; great distress seized the leaders of Moab; all of the inhabitants of Canaan melted away.

Verse ConceptsMeltingGroups Trembling

And now leave me [alone] so that {my anger may blaze} against them, and let me destroy them, and I will make you into a great nation."

Verse ConceptsGod Will Be AngryIsrael Hardened

And Moses {implored Yahweh} his God, and he said, "Why, Yahweh, should {your anger blaze} against your people whom you brought up from the land of Egypt with great power and with a strong hand?

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodGrace, In OtMoses, Significance OfPleasing GodPrayer, Described AsStrength Of GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptWhy Does God Do This?Seeking The Favour Of GodEclipse

And Moses said to Aaron, "What did this people do to you that you brought on them [such] a great sin?"

Verse ConceptsAaron, Sins OfThe Saints, Without OffenceWhat Do They Do?

{And} the next day Moses said to the people, "You have sinned a great sin. And now I will go up to Yahweh. Perhaps I can make atonement for your sin."

Verse ConceptsExpiationSin, Deliverance From GodGod's People SinningReconciliation

And Moses returned to Yahweh, and he said, "Alas, this people has sinned a great sin and made for themselves gods of gold.

Verse ConceptsGoldGod's People Sinning

and the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl,

Verse ConceptsBirds, Types Of BirdsOwls

While the meat [was] still between their teeth, before it was consumed, Yahweh was angry with the people, and Yahweh struck a very great plague among the people.

Verse ConceptsTeethAt The Same Time

And they presented the report of the land that they explored to the {Israelites}, saying, "The land that we went through to explore [is] a land that eats its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in its midst [are] {men of great size}.

Verse ConceptsBad Newsdoubt, results ofGiantsexploring

But now, please, let the power of my Lord be great, just has you spoke,

" 'Your western boundary will be the Great Sea; this will be your western boundary.

Verse ConceptsWestMediterranean SeaWestern Borders

Your northern border will be from the Great Sea; you will make a boundary from the Great Sea to Mount Hor.

Turn [now] and {move on}, and go [into] the hill of the Amorites and to all [of] the neighboring regions in the Jordan {Valley} in the hill country and in the Negev and in the coastal area along the sea, [into] the land of the Canaanites and [into] the Lebanon, as far as the great river Euphrates.

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsSeashoresRiver EuphratesAs Far As The EuphratesThe ShephelahMoving To A New Place

You must not {be partial} {in your judgment}; hear [out] the small [person] as [also] the great [person]; {do not be intimidated by any person}, because the judgment [is] God's; and the case that is too difficult for you, bring [it] to me, and I will hear it [out].'

Verse ConceptsLawsuitsSmallnessMagistratesFear Of ManPartialityGreat And SmallHard TasksDo Not Fear MenJudgingRespectMaking DecisionsDecision MakingConflictFamily ConflictRespecting AuthorityJudging Others Actionsdiscrimination

"Then we set out from Horeb, and we went [through] the whole [of] that great and terrible desert that you saw [on] the way [to] the hill country of the Amorites as Yahweh our God had commanded us, and [so] we came up to Kadesh Barnea.

Verse ConceptsMonotony

Where [can] we go up? Our brothers have {made our hearts melt}, {saying}, "The people are greater and taller than we are, [and there are] great fortified cities [reaching] up to heaven, and we saw the sons of the Anakites [living] there." '

Verse ConceptsFortificationsFortified CitiesExaggerationsCitydoubt, results ofdiscouragementHeart, HumanLargenessPessimismSkyHuman EmotionFaint HeartednessGiantsLosing CourageWhere To?Sky, Figurative Use

The fact of the matter is, Yahweh your God has blessed you in {all the work you have done}; he knows {your travels} [with respect to] this great wilderness; forty years Yahweh your God [has been] with you; you have not lacked a thing." '

Verse ConceptsLackDesertsGod, The ProviderJourneyThe Number FortyWatchfulness, DivineDivine SuppliesanniversariesGod, All knowing40 To 50 YearsPlenty In The WildernessGod Has Been With YouBlessings From Godwandering

a people great and numerous and as tall as the Anakites; Yahweh destroyed them from before them, and they dispossessed them and settled in place of them,

And {you must observe them diligently}, for that [is] your wisdom and your insight before the eyes of the people, who will hear all [of] these rules, and they will say, 'Surely this great nation [is] a wise and discerning people.'

Verse ConceptsNationalismUnderstandingWisdom, Human NatureDealing With The NationsGod's Word Gives WisdomKeep The Commandments!Discernmentwise

For what great nation [has] for it a god near to it as Yahweh our God, whenever we call [upon] him?

Verse ConceptsAnswered PromisesClosenessUnique Israel

And what [other] great nation has for it just rules and regulations just like {this whole} law that I [am] setting {before} you {today}?

Verse ConceptsBodyGod, Righteousness OfMind, Of GodUnique IsraelExcellent LawGod's Word Is RighteousDecision Makinglawstatues

"Yes, ask, please, about former days that {preceded you} from the day that God created humankind on the earth; [ask even] from [one] end of the heaven up to the [other] end of heaven {whether anything ever happened} like this great thing or {whether anything like it was ever heard}.

Verse ConceptsCreation Of All MankindMan's Relation To GodEnd Of Days

Or has a god [ever] attempted to go to take for himself a nation from the midst of a nation, [using] trials and signs and wonders and war, with an outstretched arm and with great and awesome deeds, like all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Nature OfStrength, DivineArm Of God

From heaven he made you hear his voice to teach you, and on the earth he showed you his great fire, and you heard his words from the midst of the fire.

Verse Conceptsdiscipline, divinePunishment, By GodGod As Our TeacherGod Appearing In FireHearing God's VoiceGod Speaks From Heaven

And because he loved your ancestors he chose their {descendants} after them. And he brought you forth from Egypt {with his own presence}, by his great strength,

Verse ConceptsPeople Of God, In OtGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptGod's Love For IsraelDadsFathers Love

And so then why shall we die, for this great fire will consume us if {we continue} to hear the voice of Yahweh our God [any] longer, and [so] we shall die?

Verse ConceptsDeath Due To God's PresenceFire Emanating From Godrisk

And Yahweh gave great and awesome signs and wonders in Egypt against Pharaoh and against his entire household {in our presence}.

"Yahweh loved you and chose you not {because of your great number} exceeding all [other] peoples, for you [are] fewer than all of the peoples,

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofFew PeopleMany In IsraelGod's Love For IsraelAffection

the great trials that your eyes saw and the signs and the wonders and the [workings of] the strong hand and the outstretched arm [by] which Yahweh your God brought you out; so Yahweh your God will do to all [of] the peoples {because of whom} you [are] in fear {before them}.

Verse ConceptsArm Of GodGod's HandStrength Of GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

You must not [be in dread] from the presence of them, because Yahweh your God, [who is] in your midst, [is] a great and awesome God.

Verse ConceptsThe Most HighGod Is Among YouDo Not Fear MenGod Is To Be Feared

But Yahweh your God will {give them to you}, and he will throw them into great panic {until they are destroyed}.

Verse ConceptsConfusionDisorder Among The Nations

the one leading you in the great and terrible desert [infested] with {dangerous} snakes and scorpions and parched ground, where there is no water, [and] the one bringing out water for you from flint rock,

Verse ConceptsFlintClimates, Typesdrought, physicalSnakesSuffering, HardshipThirstAnimals, Types OfGod Providing WaterDry PlacesProvision From RocksScorpions

"Hear, Israel, you [are] about to cross the Jordan today to go to dispossess nations larger and more numerous than you, great cities fortified {with high walls},

Verse ConceptsFortificationsFortified CitiesExaggerationsCityLargenessComparisonsCrossing Into The Promised Landisrael

a great and tall people, the sons of [the] Anakites, whom you know and [of whom you] have heard [it said], 'Who could stand before the sons of Anak?'

Verse ConceptsGiants

For they [are] your people and your inheritance whom you brought with your great power and with your outstretched arm.'

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfArmsGod, Power OfStrength Of GodPeople Belong To God

He [is] your praise, and he [is] your God, who has done with you these great and awesome [things] that your eyes have seen.

Verse ConceptsPraisePraise, Reasons ForAwePraise To God Is FittingHe Is Our God

The fact of the matter is, {your own eyes have seen} all [of] the great deeds of Yahweh that he did.

Verse ConceptsLooking At God's Works

the little owl and the great owl and the barn owl,

Verse ConceptsOwls

But if {the distance is too great for you}, [so] that you are not able to transport it, because the place that Yahweh your God will choose to set his name there, it is [too] far from you, when Yahweh your God will bless you,

Verse ConceptsFar From HereTithes And OfferingMoney Blessingsdistancefriendliness

[This is] {according to all that you asked} from Yahweh your God at Horeb, on the day of the assembly, {saying}, '{I do not want again to hear} the voice of Yahweh my God, [and] I do not want to see again this great fire, so that I may not die!'

Verse ConceptsAskingDeath Due To God's PresenceFire Emanating From GodRefusing To HearUnhearing

And {you shall declare} and you shall say {before} your God, 'My ancestor [was] a wandering Aramean, and he went down to Egypt, and there he dwelt as an alien {few in number}, and there he became a great nation, mighty and numerous.

Verse ConceptsNationalismNomadsWanderersPeople MultiplyingFew Peoplesyriawandering

And Yahweh brought us [out] from Egypt with a strong hand and an outstretched arm and with great terror and with signs and with wonders.

Verse ConceptsArm Of GodGod's HandStrength Of GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

[that is], the great trials that your eyes saw, [and] those great signs and wonders.

And all the nations will say, '{Why} has Yahweh done {such a thing} to this land? What [caused] the fierceness of this great anger?'

Verse ConceptsWhy Does God Do This?Will God Be Angry?

and Yahweh uprooted them from their land in anger and in wrath and in great fury, and he cast them into another land, {just as it is today}.'

Verse ConceptsGod's IndignationAs At This Day

and as far as all of {the mighty deeds} and as far as {the great awesome wonders} Moses did before the eyes of all Israel.

Verse ConceptsPower, HumanAweSpectators

From the wilderness {and the Lebanon}, up to the great river, the river Euphrates, all of the land of the Hittites, and up to {the great sea in the west}, will be your territory.

Verse ConceptsempiresThe SunMediterranean SeaAs Far As The Euphratesbridgesborders

And when they blow long on the horn of the ram, when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people will shout [with] a great war cry, and the wall of the city will fall flat, and {the people will charge, each one straight ahead}."

Verse ConceptsFortificationsShoutingWallsBattle CriesThings Falling

So the people shouted, and they blew on the trumpets. And when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, they raised a great shout, and the wall fell flat. {The people charged, each one straight ahead into the city}, and they captured it.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsInvasionsShouting For JoyConquestChantingNot Turning AsidePeople TumblingBattle CriesTrumpets For BattleThings Fallingdrums

The Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land will hear [of this], and they will surround us and cut off our name from the land. What will you do, for your great name?"

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfGod, The LordEnemies SurroundingNames Blotted OutFor The Sake Of His Name

Then {they placed} on top of him a great pile of stones [that remains] to this day. And Yahweh {turned from his burning anger}, and thus the name of that place to this day is called the valley of Achor.

Verse ConceptsCairnsGod Will No More Be AngryPlaces To This Day

The king of Ai he hanged on a tree until the time of evening, and as the sun went down Joshua commanded [them], and they brought down his dead body from the tree. Then they threw it at the entrance of the gate of the city, and they raised over it a great heap of stones [that remains] to this day.

Verse ConceptsGallowsGatesHangingPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSunsetsCairnsPeople Hung To DeathPlaces To This Day

Now when all the kings who [were] beyond the Jordan in the hill country and in the Shephelah, and on all the coast of the great sea toward Lebanon--the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites--heard of [this],

Verse ConceptsMediterranean SeaBeyond JordanGentile RulersThe Shephelah

And Yahweh threw them into panic before Israel, who struck them [with] a great blow at Gibeon and pursued them by the way of the ascent of Beth-horon and struck them as far as Azekah and Makkedah.

Verse ConceptsConfusionCarnage

When Joshua and the {Israelites} had finished striking them [with] a very great blow, until they perished, {those of them who survived} went into the fortified cities,

Verse ConceptsCityCarnageExterminationSurvivors Of The Nations

They came out, they and all their armies with them, [as] a great army like the sand on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots.

Verse ConceptsChariotsHorsesMany CombatantsLargenessSand And GravelLarge Armies

And Yahweh gave them into the hand of Israel, and they struck them and pursued them up to Great Sidon and Misrephoth Maim, and eastward up to the valley of Mizpeh. And they struck them until they left behind no survivor.

Verse ConceptsConquestNo SurvivorsExterminationThose God Gave Into Their Hands

So now give me this hill country that Yahweh spoke [of] on that day, for you heard on that day that the Anakites [were] there, with great and fortified cities. Perhaps Yahweh [is] with me, and I will drive them out just as Yahweh promised."

Verse ConceptsFortificationsCityHelpfulnessLand, As A Divine GiftLargenessCourage, Examples OfGiantsGod Will Be With YouGradual Conquest Of The Landreinforcement

And [the] western border [is] to the Great Sea and its coast. This [is] the border surrounding the descendants of Judah according to their families.

Verse ConceptsMediterranean SeaWestern Borders

Ashdod, its towns and villages; Gaza, its towns and villages, up to the wadi of Egypt and the Great Sea and its coast.

And Joshua said to the house of Joseph, to Ephraim and Manasseh, "You are many people and have great power; you will not have one allotment [only];

Verse ConceptsMany In IsraelFamily Strength

and Ebron, Rehob, Hammon, and Kanah up to Great Sidon;

Look! I have allotted to you these remaining nations as an inheritance for your tribes, from the Jordan, [with] all the nations that I have cut off, to the Great Sea {in the west}.

Verse ConceptsMediterranean Sea

Bible Theasaurus

Abundant (187 instances)
Ample (6 instances)
Bully (2 instances)
Capital (60 instances)
Considerable (34 instances)
Cracking (3 instances)
Dignified (7 instances)
Eager (70 instances)
Expectant (1 instance)
Grand (3 instances)
Greater (253 instances)
Handsome (22 instances)
Honorable (62 instances)
Intense (52 instances)
Lordly (1 instance)
Outstanding (9 instances)
Smashing (12 instances)
Swell (9 instances)
Zealous (49 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
גּדל גּדול 
Usage: 528

Usage: 5

Rabrab (Aramaic) 
Usage: 8

Usage: 9

Usage: 2

Usage: 114

Usage: 2600

Usage: 3

אשׁם אשׁם 
Usage: 35

Usage: 16

Usage: 183

Usage: 30

Usage: 25

גּדוּלּה גּדלּה גּדוּלה 
Usage: 12

magnify , great , grow , nourish up , grow up , greater ,
Usage: 115

Usage: 4

Usage: 13

G@lal (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

Usage: 0

Usage: 93

Usage: 11

Usage: 6

ינשׁוף ינשׁוּף 
Usage: 3

כּבד כּבד 
Usage: 114

Usage: 4

Usage: 40

לבאות לבאים לביּא לביא 
Usage: 14

Usage: 300

Mah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 12

Usage: 38

Usage: 2

Usage: 25

Usage: 16

Usage: 5

עצם עצוּם 
Usage: 31

Usage: 20

Usage: 49

Usage: 1

Usage: 458

Rab (Aramaic) 
Usage: 15

Usage: 153

Usage: 224

R@bah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 6

R@buw (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

Usage: 2

Saggiy' (Aramaic) 
Usage: 13

שׂישׂ שׂוּשׂ 
Usage: 27

שׁלשׁ שׁלושׁ שׁלישׁo 
Usage: 20

Usage: 8

Usage: 6

Usage: 4

Usage: 3

Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 43

Usage: 1

Usage: 14

Usage: 7

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 7

Usage: 1

great , loud ,
Usage: 167

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 19

Usage: 76

long ago , any while , a great while ago , old , in time past , of old
Usage: 4

Usage: 1

Usage: 4

Usage: 2

Usage: 3

πλείων πλεῖον πλέον 
more , many , greater , further Trans , most , more part , not tr ,
Usage: 40

πολύς πολλός 
many , much , great ,
Usage: 292

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 0

Usage: 9

with a great noise
Usage: 1

Usage: 10

so great , so mighty
Usage: 4

so much , so great , so many , so long , as large , these many , so many things
Usage: 17

Usage: 2

Usage: 44