25 occurrences

'Themselves' in the Bible

Put them in [reverent] fear of You, O Lord,So that the nations may know they are but [frail and mortal] men. Selah.

Verse ConceptsTerror Of GodMere MenPsalm Interjectionsterrorism

As soon as they hear me, they respond and obey me;Foreigners feign obedience to me.

Verse ConceptsForeignersObedience To GodPretendingObeying People

Let those be ashamed and humiliated together who rejoice at my distress;Let those be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves over me.

Verse ConceptsConfusionHumiliationClothed With Bad ThingsRejoicing In EvilHurt

You make us turn back from the enemy,And those who hate us have taken spoil for themselves.

Verse ConceptsPlundering

They attack, they hide and lurk,They watch my steps,As they have [expectantly] waited to take my life.

Verse ConceptsAlianceseagernessAmbushLooking At People For EvilPeople WaitingEnemy Attacksfootprints

They set a net for my steps;My very life was bowed down.They dug a pit before me;Into the midst of it they themselves have fallen. Selah.

Verse ConceptsBowingNetsPitsDigging PitsMan TrappingPsalm InterjectionsPit Used As Traps

They run and set themselves against me though there is no guilt in me;Stir Yourself to meet and help me, and see [what they are doing]!

Verse ConceptsGod Help!God Waking UpNo SinEnemy Attacks

But those who seek my life to destroy itWill [be destroyed and] go into the depths of the earth [into the underworld].

Verse ConceptsdepthAttempting To Kill Meseeking

They encourage themselves in [their pursuit of] an evil agenda;They talk of laying snares secretly;They say, “Who will discover us?”

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofParticipation, In SinInfidelity To GodNot Seeing PeopleUnseenActing In SecretMan TrappingEncouraging Othersencouraging

The pastures of the wilderness drip [with dew],And the hills are encircled with joy.

Verse ConceptsBeauty Of NatureThe Beauty Of Nature

Say to God, “How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works!Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will pretend to be obedient to You.

Verse ConceptsAmazingGod, Works OfWhat God Does

May his name endure forever;May his name continue as long as the sun;And let men bless themselves by him;Let all nations call him blessed.

Verse ConceptsConsistencyMission, Of IsraelBlessing Through God's People

It seems as if one had lifted upAn axe in a forest of trees [to set a record of destruction].

Verse ConceptsAxesFelling Trees

You make us an object of contention to our neighbors,And our enemies laugh [at our suffering] among themselves.

Verse ConceptsMockery

When the sun arises, they withdrawAnd lie down in their dens.

Verse ConceptsDaybreakLying Down To RestAt Daybreak

Let my attackers be clothed with dishonor,And let them cover themselves with their own shame as with a robe.

Verse ConceptsCloaksClothed With Bad ThingsPeople Accusing People

Your people will offer themselves willingly [to participate in Your battle] in the day of Your power;In the splendor of holiness, from the womb of the dawn,Your young men are to You as the dew.

Verse ConceptseagernessdewBeauty, SpiritualWombThe Call Of GodFreshness Of YouthPeople WillingFree WillVolunteeringBattle

“Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked;Do not further their evil device, that they not be exalted. Selah.

Verse ConceptsPlansEvil DevicesPsalm InterjectionsGod's PlanGods PlanGod's Plan For Uswickedness

“Bring my soul out of prison (adversity),So that I may give thanks and praise Your name;The righteous will surround me [in triumph],For You will look after me.”

Verse ConceptsPrisonersFriends SurroundingPlenty Through GodGod Freeing CaptivesWe Thank GodSpiritual crownsThe SoulGoodnesssoulfreejail

Bible Theasaurus

Themselves (1085 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 202

Usage: 9

המּה הם 
Usage: 517

Usage: 753

Usage: 1

Usage: 171

Usage: 85

Usage: 249