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Then David gave way to bitter grief, and so did all the men who were with him:

I am full of grief for you, my brother Jonathan: very dear have you been to me: your love for me was a wonder, greater than the love of women.

And David said to Joab and all the people who were with him, Go in grief and put haircloth about you, in sorrow for Abner. And King David went after the dead body.

And the king made a song of grief for Abner and said, Was the death of Abner to be like the death of a foolish man?

Then David said to the man, Go and say to Joab, Do not let this be a grief to you; for one man may come to his death by the sword like another: put up an even stronger fight against the town, and take it: and do you put heart into him.

And Tamar, in her grief, put dust on her head; and she put her hand on her head and went away crying loudly.

Then the king got up in great grief, stretching himself out on the earth: and all his servants were by his side, with their clothing parted.

And Joab sent to Tekoa and got from there a wise woman, and said to her, Now make yourself seem like one given up to grief, and put on the clothing of sorrow, not using any sweet oil for your body, but looking like one who for a long time has been weeping for the dead:

Now when David had come to the top of the slope, where they gave worship to God, Hushai the Archite came to him in great grief with dust on his head:

And the salvation of that day was changed to sorrow for all the people: for it was said to the people, The king is in bitter grief for his son.