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Then said the LORD unto Satan, "Hast thou not considered my servant Job, how that he is an innocent and virtuous man such one as feareth God, and escheweth evil, and that there is none like him in the land? But thou movedst me against him, to punish him: yet is it in vain, for he continueth still in his godliness."

Verse ConceptsdiseasesInciting To EvilServants Of The LordFear Of God, Examples OfUnique IndividualsIndividuals Fearing Godshunning

When thy sons sinned against him, did not he punish them for their wickedness?

Verse ConceptsSin Clings To The Sinner

He shall punish you, and reprove you, if ye do secretly accept any person.

Verse ConceptsFavouritismSecrecy

Many a one, yea innumerable doth he punish, and setteth others in their stead.

Verse ConceptsExchanging Of LeadersDeposing