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And it shall come to pass in that day, That the remnant of Israel. And the escaped of the house of Jacob Shall, no more again, lean upon him that smote them, - But shall lean upon Yahweh the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, And, the leopard, with the kid, shall lie down, - And the calf and the young lion and the fatling - together, With, a little child, leading them;

And the cow, with the bear shall find pasture, Together, shall their young ones, lie down, - And, the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw;

Then cried he. A lion! On the watch, O My Lord, had I been standing continually, by day, And at my post, had I been stationed whole nights; -

For it is - Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, - A little here a little there.

So the word of Yahweh must be to them - Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, A little here, a little there, - That they may go and fall backward and be torn and snared and captured.

But I will make - Justice the line, and Righteousness the plummet, - And the hail shall, sweep away, your refuge of lying, And your hiding-place, the waters shall overflow;

The Oracle on the Beasts of the South, - Through a land of distress and oppression - Lioness and lion coming therefrom, Viper and fiery flying serpent, They would carry, on the shoulders of young asses their wealth And on the humps of camels their treasures Unto a people that cannot serve them.

For Thus, hath Yahweh said unto me - Like as a lion or a young lion growleth over his prey. Who - though there be called out against him a multitude of shepherds - Will not at their voice, be dismayed, Nor, at their noise, be daunted, So, will Yahweh of hosts come down, to make war over Mount Zion, and over the hill thereof.

That the vomiting pelican and the bittern may possess it: And the great owl and the raven, dwell therein; Then will he stretch out over it The line of desolation, and The plummet of emptiness.

Yea he himself, hath cast for them a lot, And his own hand, hath given to them a portion by line, - Unto times age-abiding, shall they possess it, To generation after generation, shall they dwell therein.

There shall be, there, no lion, Nor shall ravenous beast, go up thereon, It shall not be found, there, - Thus, shall travel the redeemed;

Lo! thou dost trust on the support of this bruised cane, on Egypt, whereon if a man lean it will enter his hand and lay it open, - So, is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust upon him.

I cried out, until morning, like a lion, Thus, will he break all my bones! From day until night, Thou wilt finish me!

As for the carpenter, - He hath stretched out a line hath drawn it with a pencil, Hath made it with carving tools, With compasses, hath rounded it, - And so hath made it after the figure of a great man, After the beauty of a son of earth, that it may remain in a house!

Who among you, revereth Yahweh, Hearkening unto the voice of his Servant, - That hath walked in dark places And hath had no gleam of light? Let him trust in the name of Yahweh, And lean upon his God.

The wolf and the lamb, shall feed, in unity, And, the lion, as an ox, shall eat straw; But as for the serpent, dust, shall be his food: They shall not harm - Nor shall they destroy, In all my holy mountain, saith Yahweh.