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The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvan were your rowers; your {skilled men}, O Tyre, were {from your own people}, [and] they [were] your seamen.

Your wealth and your merchandise, your wares, your mariners, and your seamen, your shipwrights and the barterers of your wares and all of {your soldiers} who [are] in you, along with all of your crew who are in the midst of you, they will fall in [the] heart of [the] seas on the day of your downfall.

At the sound of the shout of your seamen, [the] pasturelands will shake.

And they will go down from their ships, all of [those] holding an oar, mariners, all of the seamen of the sea will stand on the land,

and next to the territory of Benjamin, from [the] side [on] [the] east up to [the] side of [the] sea, Simeon one [portion];

and next to the territory of Simeon, from [the] side of [the] east up to [the] side of [the] sea, Issachar one [portion];

And [on] [the] south side, four thousand five hundred [cubits] by measurement, and [so] three gates, the gate of Simeon, one; the gate of Issachar, one; the gate of Zebulun, one.