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Hear ye and bear witness, throughout the house of Jacob, - Commandeth My Lord, Yahweh, God of hosts:

Sworn hath the Lord, Yahweh, by his own life, Declareth Yahweh, God of hosts, abhorring am I, the grandeur of Jacob, and, his palaces, I hate, - therefore will I cast off the city and the fulness thereof.

And it came to pass, when they had made an end of eating the herbage of the land, that I said - Oh, My Lord, Yahweh, forgive, I beseech thee: By whom shall Jacob, arise? for, small, he is.

Then said I, My Lord, Yahweh, forbear, I beseech thee, By whom shall Jacob, arise? for, small, he is.

Sworn hath Yahweh, by the Excellency of Jacob, - Surely I will never forget any of their doings!

Lo! the eyes of My Lord, Yahweh, are on the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the ground, - save only that I will not, utterly destroy, the house of Jacob, Declareth Yahweh.